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That's what our once lost little girl is now. She is found.

We don't know who found her. Was it this boy she'd known for a little amount of time? Was his love curing her?

Was it this new home that had promises for a new begining? Or was it the love she was feeling once again?

The love that her new family gave her.

Who knew that in the span of two months somebody's entire perspective of the world around them could change.

Was this all a dream....

or was this real life?

Valentina Nanu Rodriduez's POV

I walked Ivy down the hall to her play room so that I could get in the shower and start on dinner.

When I walked into my room I saw Ethan spread across the bed.

"Yo this bed is so comfortable," He said when he saw me and I laughed.

"I know I sleep in it every night" I started to get what I needed for the shower.

I had my back towards him and I could feel him getting closer to me.

"You're so fucking pretty," He said and when I turnt around he was right behind me. "Why can't you just be my girl?"

He grabbed me by the waist and just like earlier his eyes flickered between mine and my lips.

Only this time when we both leaned in our lips connected.

This kiss was sweet. Filled with passion if you will and soon my arms were thrown around his neck.

God I wish that moment could have lasted forever but sadly we both pulled apart for air but when he tried to go in for another one I leaned away.

"I have to go shower" I smiled at him before pecking his lips and walking into the bathroom.

Time skip

After we all at dinner I tucked Ivy into her bed and went to my room to find Ethan waiting for me.

I had closed the door behind me and laid in the bed next to him.

"Stop playin bruh" he grabbed me and pulled me ontop of him.

He was smiling at me and I was trying to hold eye contact but I just couldn't and everytime I looked away he pulled me back.

"Why you so nervous ma," He asked placing  his hands on my waist.

"Because you make me nervous Ethan"I fixed my hair so it wasn't in my face as much.

"Ain't nothin' to be nervous about love," he moved a hair from infront of my face and I started to smile. "God you're so fucking beautiful when you smile."

With that I leaned in and kissed him.

God I wish I could explain how soft his fucking lips are. I just melted with his touch.

His hands touched every inch of my body.

I couldn't help but pull back and admire his face.

How did I not notice it before?

How smooth his skin was, How perfect his curls looked, his soft soft pink lips. Deep brown eyes.

And just as I finished admiring everything else he broke out his smile and god I melted right then and there.

"Ma, whatchu starin' at?" He placed his hands back on my waist  and slowly rubbed up and down.

"You're so perfect," I bit my lip looking at him again and he then flipped me over so that he was ontop making me laugh.

"You never answered my question from earlier," he held himself up with one arm and used his other hand to rub up and down my thigh. "Why can't you just be ma girl?"

I didn't know the answer right now. I knew I wanted to be with him but I also knew that I should wait a while. God I wanted him so bad.

I needed him to be mine. So I put aside everything that was holding me back and just finally said...

"Fine I'll be your girl" With that he leaned down and kissed me, again.

After a while we were sitting up in my bed just getting to know eachother for real.

"So you're telling me that all this time I've been listening to you three idiots rap about shooting shit up!" I turned and looked at him with a laugh.

"I happen to be very inteligent!" He shot  back huffing.

"Yes of course my smart boy," I smiled at him messing with his curls.

At some point we put on a movie and eventually we both fell asleep holding eachother.

The next Morning

The next morning I woke up extra early to get Ivy ready for preschool.

She had it sunday through thursday and today I had to get her ready.

I tried to get out of my bed but Ethan pulled me back.

"Baby stay in bed" He grabbed me and placed his hands tighter on my waist.

"I gotta get Ivy ready then I promise we can stay in bed together." I kissed his cheek a whole bunch before he let go.

I went got up and brushed my teeth before going to Ivy's bedroom. "Aunty's perfect baby wake up" I said as I picked out her outfit. I just put her in some tights and a nike hoodie since she was only going to school.

"Good morning" She said with a yawn. Her hair was all over as she got out of her bed and came to hug my legs. When I got the chance I picked her up, kissing her all over her face. She was still super sleepy but I knew she had to get up.

"Do you want breakfast first or brush your teeth?" I asked her moving strands of hair from her cute little face.

"Eat" She yawned again and I just kissed her cheek.

"What do we want for breakfast love?" I started walking her downstairs.  So that we could get this day started.

"Eggs and Bacon" She got down and got in her chair, turning on Spongebob Squarepants.

As I cooked breakfast I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and a pair of soft lips kissing my neck.

"Good morning sleepy head." I smiled as I continued to scramble the eggs in the pan.

"Good morning" He stayed exactly where he was making me smile.

"What?" I giggled.

"You're warm" He held me close as if I would drift away once he let go.

"Go watch Spongebob while I cook, I'm almost done"

My body felt cold when he let go. Well my back, my front was getting the warmth of the stove.

Breakfast was easy and when we all got done eating and Ivy was out the door for school I collapsed on the couch.

"No way you're tired already" Ethan laid ontop of me and I kissed his head.

"I'm not used to that, I don't know how Asia does it pregnant" I wrapped myself around him yawning.

"Let's go back to bed love" He whispered but I was already into a state of complete slumber.

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