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What would you do for those you loved? Would you cherish them forever? Would you fight for them like there was no tomorrow?

Valentina always had a strong mind and body. She could get through anything and after her many years of being tortured by Frank she was strong than ever. 

If she had to go through that same torture again, would she make it out just as strong?

Valentina Nanu Rodriguez's POV

Me, Ivy and Ethan were on our way to coney island  for the day because she had been really wanting to go. The car ride seemed long and we just listened to Taylor swift as we went. 

"Don't blame me love made me crazy if it doesn't you ain't doin' it right!" I sang along as Ivy danced along. 

When we got to coney island we all jumped out the car and practically ran in. We all got on as many rides as we wanted within the first half hour. Ivy loved the ferris wheel because when we were at the top she could see all of the lights.

She laughed at everything that was going on. Expectully when I couldn't walk properly after the tea cups. There was a little roller coaster that we all got on together. Ivy laughed the entire time and after a few more rides I had the edge to pee.

I left Ivy with Ethan and I walked across the street to the mall so I didn't have to use the dirty ass porta-potty. The mall was quiet and had almost no one in there. 

There were a few older people playing games like chess and bingo. The food court was closed up for the night and all the workers were walking out of the doors. 

I found the bathroom quickly and as I walked out I was texting Vonny back about Ivy when I felt someone grab from behind. I kicked my legs screaming and crying attempting to get loose but they put a cloth over my mouth and my eyes slowly felt heavy.

I fought until I couldn't move anymore. My body went limp and my eyes dropped. Everything around me went black and I could no longer hear anything. 

I woke up in some dark ass room with a single light bulb hanging over me, shedding some light. There was I bed which I was lying on, a chair and a single high window. 

It was dark so the window helped none. I was scared out of my mind. Where was I? Did Ethan realize I was gone. 

I had a million thoughts racing my mind. All of them assumed the worst and soon enough the door swong open to reveal Kay. 

"What in the ever-loving fuck is going on here?"  I asked backing up further on the bed so that I could be as far as possible from him. 

"Watch ya tone Valentina," He walked in and closed the door behind him. He looked angrier than the last time I saw him.

Maybe on a count, I shot him in the arm but I was scared!

"Why am I here Kay?" I was on the verge of tears. I think he could tell because his eyes softened when he looked at me.

"Awe baby don't cry," He said trying to touch me but I backed away. "I won't hurt you alright."

He sat in the chair and I grabbed my knees bringing them up to my chest.

"What do you want with me?" I started to cry softly.

"I want you to be mine," He slowly got up sitting next to me. His cold hand ran up my leg and I tensed up.

His hands were rough. His breath was so hot it felt like the sun beaming down from above and when his body met mine it wasn't the same as if Ethan was the one touching me. 

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