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Fear. It is described as an emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.

Valentina has felt so much more than fear throughout her life. 

She has been terrified of so many things and one person in particular will always scare her the most.

That was until now,

Valentina Nanu Rodriguez's POV

As I turned around I saw an angry Kay standing at the door. 

Before I could say or do anything he ran up and grabbed me by my hair and grabbed my phone out of my hand throwing it across the room.

"Where the fuck did you get that!" He yelled in my face. His breath reeked of alcohol and I got a flashback to Frank. 

The door was still open and fight or flight kicked in. 

I kicked him in the balls and when he was on the ground I stomped on his face before running out. The light burned my eyes but I ran to the nearest door. When I realized that this wasn't the outside it was too late because Kay ran up behind me with one clean bunch he knocked me out.

I woke up on that fucking bed again.

This time light came through the window and Kay sat on the chair flipping my phone in his hand. 

"That little stunt you pulled last night was real fucking funny Valentina," Kay laughed sarcastically. His face had a huge bruise on it from where I had stomped on his face. "That shit will not happen again." 

He threw my phone up and shot it mid-air. I was horrified. I was so scared of what he could do to me. 

I was so sore that I couldn't move and he could tell so with a smirk he dropped the gun climbed on top of me in the bed and started trying to kiss me. 

I moved my face away but he grabbed me and placed his dry-ass lips on top of mine. I didn't kiss back obviously but he forced his nasty ass tongue into my mouth. 

It was slimy and tasted like alcohol. I was crying and when he started trying to take my clothes off I fought back.

I kicked and punched as much as I possibly could and when he finally got off of me I covered my body quickly. My body didn't feel right. 

He just looked at me and laughed hysterically. He took out his phone and took a picture of me which made me cry even more. 

I felt naked. Like I was just a sick game for him to play. He continued to laugh as he opened the door and walked out making sure to close it behind him. 

I ran into it and began banging on it hoping anyone in the world could hear me and my desperate cry for help. 

It felt like an eternity before I finally passed out and fell asleep next to the door. Dried up tears stained my desperate face.

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