2. Elijah

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PARENTING one of the best things I've ever experienced. If I never did anything right in my life then at least I can say I have them.

"And then— and then we saw a huge explosion." Inaaya yells imitating the sounds. "So big, and then there were pretty colors, like bright lights! Mommy burnt herself but she didn't cry, she just kissed her bobo like a big girl." She explains ever so loudly, chocolate ice cream melting on her hands.

They spent the 4th with my parents and it was their first firework show. My dad sent me pictures of them having fun but of course Saias hated it. He made them all know he hated it too.

I listen to my kids express themselves at almost 11 at night when I knew they were supposed to be asleep. I also knew it was probably a bad idea to give Naya ice cream at this time but she gave me puppy dog eyes. I can never say no when she does that shit.

Isaias starts to fall asleep in my lap and I have to catch his head before he fall's completely over. Illias is already asleep against my side Naya the only one still wide awake, her feet kicking as she lay on the floor watching Moana on the big screen Tv.

I pick the boys up getting ready to put them down for the night. "Princess it's time for bed."

"No, please it's not over yet."

"You have school. You can finish it tomorrow, come on you know your mother doesn't let you stay up this late." I try, sounding strict.

God, I hate having to be the adult sometimes and that sad look on her face makes it even worse. She looks like Mercy when she's about to cry.

"Daddy please." She begs sounding as if she were on the verge of tears.

"Jolie stop trying to sucker me. Bed. Now."

Mumbling a soft. "Okay." She gets up, her head down making me feel bad. She only does this with me. No one else!

Getting upstairs I tucked the boys into their beds and kissed their heads. Walking my princess down to her room she looks up at me with teary eyes and holds her sticky hands out for me to see. "I'll clean them, but that's not getting you out of going to sleep."

A loud sigh leaves her lips making me chuckle. Cleaning her hands with wipes I then tucked her into bed— turning on the night light. "Night princess. I love you."

"Love you too Daddy."

I moved her curls from her forehead and kissed her before leaving the room. Leaving a little crack in the door I walked down the hallway about to go to my office downstairs. Isaias was standing in front of my room door— turning once hearing me.

"I thought you were asleep." I tell him bending down in front of him. My son only wraps his arms around my neck and I rub his back. He hums whatever melody is stuck in his head at the moment and I pick him up taking him with me downstairs.

Getting into my office I turn on the lights Isaias crying. "No!"

"I know buddy, I'll dim them give me a moment."

He repeats. "No." Until I find the remote on the couch and dim the lights to his liking. We sit in the chair behind my desk and I open my computer dimming that as well. I left the office early to be here with my kids so I figure I'd get what work I was supposed to do done now.

Isaias gets comfortable, laying his head on my shoulder and repeatedly tapping the leather arm of the chair. He resumes him humming and I begin answering emails and filling out paperwork.

They say it's not good to take your work home but it's all I can do. I've accepted the title workaholic, my dad jokes about it but he's right.

Honestly it's a problem. So much of a problem that I lost myself in it. When I took over the company in the beginning I thought I'd be able to have my cake and eat it too.

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