16. Elijah

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(Two weeks later)

TODAY seemed to be going by slower than normal. I was done with work, had no plans, the kids were with their grandparents and after two weeks of Addison being glued to my hip she had to leave again.

I was honestly sad to see her go. Usually I don't have a problem with her leaving because I know she'll be back but it seems this time was harder than I expected.

Keeping myself busy, I finally decided to clean out my home office. There were books scattered everywhere that's been bothering me since like last month but I never had the time to do anything about it until now.

I also had a library built in my house sometime last year, so I grab the books and then head towards that way now. Entering the large space I turn on the lights, inviting the new book smell and a sense of calmness washes of me.

It's weird but I've always appreciated the smell of a new book. Some hated it but I was the difference.

Placing them neatly in place on the shelves I went down the line making sure not to mess up the alphabetical order of it all. One book out of place and I'll have the urge to redo it all... which would take me months if not a year.

The click to the door sounded and it broke my focus for a moment. I could feel the crease in my forehead form from my not knowing who it was. Everyone was gone, the house was empty.


Or so I thought.

I pushed the book into place before kicking the box to the side and out of the way. Leaving the isle I spot a confused August peaking through the area. "Babe?"

"I'm here." I tell her, lessening her worry. I could see panic start to rise on her face, why, I did not know.

She snapped my way, a smile tugging at her lips. "There you are, I've been looking all over for you."

"You have?"

"Yea, I even called your phone." She informed, waving her phone to prove her point. "What are you doing back here?"

I looked back at the books in the box begging to be put away. "Storing, why is there a problem?"

Mercy walked over to me wrapping her arms around my waist. She's been very clingy these past few days, especially at night. I'd be lying if I said I hated it.

Leaning down I pressed a quick kiss to her lips. She smiled in between prompting me to do the same. "There is no problem Mr. Hart. At least not yet."

"Yet?" I asked, confused.

"You promised me a lunch date today. It's way past lunch now and I'm starving."

I checked the watch on my wrist to see the time being 5:30 P.M. I breathed a breath not remembering until now that she mentioned that I did promise that.

I must have gotten caught up.

Rubbing her arms I frowned down at her. "I'm sorry beautiful, I forgot. Time just slipped past me and I wasn't paying attention, forgive me."

Fuck, that's been happening a lot recently.

Mercy hummed smoothing her finger across my forehead. "What has been going on up here. You're so forgetful lately, you aren't pregnant are you?"

My face scrunched up at her words and I reluctantly let her go. "What the fuck are you on about?"

She laughs shaking her head and moving past me. I watched as Mercy ran a finger down the line of the books. "It's giving pregnancy symptoms. Is there something I should know about dear?"

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