24. August

319 16 6

WAKING up in a bed with everyone's foot jammed in every part of your body had to be the worst thing ever. I was sore in places that shouldn't have been possible— granted a bit of that was Elijah's fault.

I called Thompson in early this morning to make breakfast for everyone because I just didn't have it in me. My day was going to pretty busy after the morning so this was the only break I'd get.

Walking downstairs I picked up little nicknacks here and there mostly toys for the kids. I threw them into the chest in front of the fireplace that was overflowing with shit from when the kids were at least one years old. I've tried to get rid of some but I guess they're attached and I rather not have to deal with temper tantrums behind a few dolls with missing heads, Lego sets with missing pieces, and teddy bears with holes in them.

"Good morning ma'am." Thompson greets standing in the kitchen doorway while mixing a bowl of batter.

"Morning." I respond offering a smile. "It smells amazing in here, thank you for coming on such short notice."

"Oh it's no problem, my wife likes to start the day early so I'm always up around this time anyways."

"Oh and how has your wife been, it was her birthday recently too. How'd she like the flowers—  petunias right?"

"She loved them actually." The old man smiled gently.

Me and Thompson continued our conversation in the kitchen and he told me about the trip him and his wife took recently. I listened intently while also busying myself with some paperwork I had to sign for the kids schooling. Finally having found a new school for them to attend their acceptance letters came in two days ago.

We're really confident in this school so I could only pray that our judgment wasn't wrong. I've decided to take a year off work and stay at home with the kids— this was an important time for development in their lives and seeing we've been working ever since they were born, this year I wanted it to be all about them. I also wanted to take some time for myself and focus more on my art.

Elijah supports my decision— says he wanted me to be a stay at home mom since the beginning. I could only laugh at that, we all knew I was too independent to ever just say quite working. I love my family and that is why I have to keep going because if I stop I'll loose myself along the way.

Of course I do deserve time to just live my life so that is why one year alway from it all sounded amazing. Elijah will take the next year off— which I had to basically force him to do. It was as if it almost pained him to agree but he knew that he needed it more than I did.

Double checking the paperwork I made sure I filled out every blank. A hand runs through my hair and I look up an adoring smile tugging at my lips. "Why did I wake up to everyone in my bed except the person who's supposed to be there."

"I would have waited but I had to pee and trying to get back in that bed would have been impossible. Especially with June sleeping sideways like that.

Elijah took a seat beside me, cracking his neck and proving his discomfort from last night. "I didn't even think that many people could fit in our bed."

They can't, it was hard enough trying to fit us two and our three kids. Adding two more people was bound to cause problems. Sliding the papers over to him I present a gold shiny pen that I indeed stole from his office desk. "Sign, please and thank you."

He takes the pen just as someone comes rushing downstairs screaming. "10-11!"

I turn to see June tugging one of my hoodies over her head while running through the living room. She screams— "10-11!" Again and me and Elijah look at each other cluelessly. It was too early for this shit. June comes to the walkthrough of the kitchen breathing hard to try and catch her breath. "Did you not hear me?!"

𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒂 (18+) *On Hiatus*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora