6. August pt.1

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WALKING into my building I make quick work getting into the meeting room. People were still coming in and filling seats. Some stood along the wall and out side the door looking in through the glass windows.

I stuffed my hands into the pockets of trench coat waiting until the voices settled down. Lottie was squeezing in through the door past some of the men and giving them harsh looks for being in the way.

"Okay, I know you're all wondering why I've called you in so early. For starters Good morning everyone." I greeted because I could still see the tiredness in their eyes.

They greet back me placing my design book on the table. "I'll make this short, so recently I've been working on a project but haven't exactly found the right inspiration to make it a success. Normally I don't hold pitch meetings as you all know but that's changing."

Grabbing the extra designs from the back table me and Lottie placed them in front of everyone. "Ignore the ones with juice stains, my son had an accident." I mumbled searching through the pile for one that I like most.

Pinning it up on the idea board along side some other ideas I turn back to them. "You men are here to help me. This clothing line is something I want to make a success for you all and everyone else who shops in my boutiques. Credit will be given and I will make sure that your name is known, I know that some of you would like to move up in the fashion industry doing your own thing and I support that."

They talk amongst each other perking up at the news some even sitting there coffee down to have a look at my designs. "Those are only a few ideas I've worked on, I want you all to make them better. I want you to put your masculinity, femininity everything, no idea is a bad idea with me and if it is I'll let you know."

"Let's talk specifics though boss. We talked about this while you were gone, the email that you sent out gave everyone enough time to think about what we wanted." One said. "It's and even number of us, three to a group working together to put in ideas on how to make this line better for every man in the world."

"Okay." I nod. "What do you propose?"

"Whichever group has the best ideas, gets a raise and gets to walk the runway for the fashion show."

Lottie nudged my arm and I furrow my eyebrows at him. "That's it?"

"That's it." He clarified. "We aren't greedy people and you treat us fair, the work environment is never hostile and I can honestly say I enjoy getting up for work in the mornings."

A round of agrees sound, a few of them speaking their piece as well. Me and Daphne hand picked every last one of my employees because I didn't want my business going to shit because of a bad worker. I'm glad we did, I love my work family, they're part of the reason my boutiques run so well.

"You have got yourselves a deal. I want results by Friday that gives you four days to present me something great. If you need any advice at all you know where to find me or Lottie and we'll be happy to assist in any way we can."

They take copies of my work to their offices knowing not to leave the building with any of them. They signed a contract stating that if they even so much as posted anything going on in my building, I was taking somebody ass to court.

I have cameras everywhere, in their offices, in the parking lot, by the front door even in the elevator and break rooms. Nothing gets past me, and the guards will even do a pat down and search just because I can't have my shit getting stolen.

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