15. Elijah

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THE loud sound of my phone ringing wakes me up from my sleep. It took a minute for me to realize that I actually had to answer it or else it wouldn't stop ringing.

Slowly opening my eyes I sighed— reaching for the device on the night stand. Innaya started to complain in her sleep from my moving but eventually settled back down on my chest. Pressing the phone to my ear I didn't have it in me to speak first.


I hum my answer letting him know I'm here. It's my dad.

{Oh good, were you asleep?}

"It's four in the morning... no I was awake."

{Good, good. That's good.}

That was a sarcasm, but okay.

{Well, your mothers water broke. We're currently on the way to the hospital, you know the one—}

{NATHANIEL shut up! Just tell him to get his ass here now! There is no need for you to give complete instructions!} I hear Elizabeth yell in the background. That is the voice of a clearly distressed woman.

"Isn't it like... to early?" I asked because if I'm not mistaken, she is only eight months.

"Babe who is it?" Mercy asks, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes and sitting up.

{Um, is there supposed to be so much blood down here?!}

"Is that Eliza?"

{Oh my God I'm stuck in the hands of two idiots!} Liz screams.

{So as you can see there's a lot going on, just get here before she looses her shit son.}

The line goes dead and I stare at my phone in confusion. What just happened?

"M-marshmallows." Innaya mumbles— still asleep. "I- I no like... dark chocolate."

Me and Mercy look at each other in awe. She's a feen, my daughter is a feen.


I entered through the front doors of the hospital still tired from my lack of sleep. Going up to the front desk the nurse behind greets me upon arrival. "How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for my mother, she came in this morning. Elizabeth Hart."

Pressing a few keys on her keyboard she then pulled up the room number. "She's on the private floor. Room 352." She smiles.

"Thank you. Oh and one more question." I inform. "She wouldn't happen to still be in labor would she?"

"Uhm not that I know of, but I can find out for you."

"That would be great, thank you."

"Okay, give me a moment."

And a moment I give. Women in labor scare the living shit out of me. I can't deal with it— it's too much to handle, so I won't. Elizabeth is mean when she's in pain, I figured I'll just wait until the kid is actually born before making my presence known.

"So, she's currently resting. The baby came earlier than expected but they're both fine. You can go up now if you'd like."

I nod before making my way to the elevator. The ride up was boring, who's shitty idea was it to put elevator music in here? The doors open again and I walk down the hallway to room 352. I knock on the door despite just wanting to open it. It's a habit.

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