Chapter Six - Daella

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I may pass out. I wonder how they would react. Would they just carry me out of the way and pretend nothing had happened? Maybe they had some kind of magic that would just bring me back instantly.

I remind myself to take another breath.

We stand in a line, Roux looks over her shoulder at me and gives me a small smile, I try my best to smile back but I'm worried it looks more like a grimace.

We had all be powdered and dressed, hair braided and brushed and twisted. We were all wearing jewels around our necks and crystals in our hair.

I stand at the back of the line listening to the room we are about to enter, waiting to be announced. I try not to think about how many fae would be in that room, all of them watching us as we walk in. I take another breath.

I just had to focus on walking, walking and breathing, I could do that, and then we were to all curtsy to the royal family and then the formalities would be somewhat over and I would go and hide in a corner and wait for it all to be over. At least that was my plan.

The doors ahead of us open and I take another breath, I wait for Roux to move ahead of me and follow her, putting one foot in front of the other. I stare at the back of Roux's head, following the lines of her tight spiral curls that had been pulled up and twisted with gold combs keeping it all in place.

I tell myself to ignore the stares, to ignore the others in the room but it is only a matter of time before I look up and around.

There are so many, the room is full of fae, males and females all staring at us, watching the line of human women walk towards the dais.

I face forward, keeping in time with Roux and the other girls until we are spread out in front of the dais. I keep my head down reminding myself to breathe. At least I had made it to this point.

"We welcome our latest chosen ones of the offering." A male voice calls out to the hall. "Twelve young women have been given to us this year and are now welcome to our Kingdom as honoured guests." He continues. "As is tradition we present this year's offering to the royal family, King Harwyn Vallessia, Queen Marlia Vallessia and our Princes, Prince Demwyn, Prince Alvaryn and Prince Aeris."

I curtsy low, holding the pose with the other girls until the King speaks.

"Be welcome honoured chosen." He says and we all stand. I try to smile as I had been told to smile, the demure smile of a chosen, it doesn't feel very demure, it feels more like a scowl and my jaw aches from gritting my teeth.

I notice the King sitting on his throne, the chair rising up and around him, a golden crown on his dark head. He is a handsome man, even more so than the other fae males I have seen already. A strong square jaw and sharp cheekbones, I couldn't guess his age as it seems impossible to do so with any fae. He is smiling down at us as the Advisor continues to speak of the great tradition we are upholding and the treaty that was made.

Next to the King is his wife, hair so blonde it is almost white sits long and straight, a gold crown atop her head and jewels around her throat. She smiles as well and she is the most beautiful female I have ever seen, skin creamy white and near perfect and looks as if it is glowing. Eyes so bright blue they look like crystals and a delicate face that looks down at us with a perfect smile. Then I turn to the Princes, they stand to the left of the King, the closest has the same dark hair of his father but is longer, resting around his shoulders. He is just as handsome with the same strong jawline and cheekbones, he looks as if he is about to go off into battle in all black, his shoulders broad and solid as he stands with his hands behind his back looking down at the room, eyes gazing at the women with what looks like resignation.

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