Chapter Thirteen - Varis

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Standing patiently, I wait for the instructor to finish his history lesson, scanning the room of chosen, studying their faces, their expressions.

"Good day Advisor." Agaile says coming to stand at my side.

I nod in her direction. "Agaile, how goes the training process?" I ask, eager to make sure each of them is accepting their new lives here.

"All is going well Advisor, all except one that is."

I turn to her. "It's Daella my Lord, the girl you mentioned to me. I know it can take time for some of the girls to adjust, but she is different, she refuses to accept our guidance, going about everything quietly but there is defiance in every one of her steps. Her etiquette classes are difficult to watch, her dancing is stiff and unwilling. I have tried my best to get her to step in line with my usual methods but she doesn't want to listen to me."

I find the girl she is speaking about, her eyes half lidded and expression bored. She sits leaning in her seat, barely paying attention.

"Very well, leave it with me Agaile." I say quickly.

Once the lesson is over and the girls are free to leave I wait for Daella, following her outside into the hallway.

"Miss Daella, can I have a moment of your time?" I ask stopping her. She turns, eyes wary and expression hesitant. She forces a small smile and curtsies, I nod in return.

"Of course Advisor."

"Excellent, let's take a walk, I find it easier to think when I'm not standing still." I say, holding my hand out and gesturing for her to follow.

She smiles and nods moving to walk by my side.

"Fae history can be difficult to follow no doubt for someone who grew up in the human world." I begin, hands behind my back, walking at a casual pace.

"Yes, it is very detailed." She agrees, eyes on the floor ahead of her.

"Yes, I remember in my early days, sitting through countless lectures and lessons, always learning and listening and longing to be somewhere else. But of course, it proved essential to my position now." I smile towards her, she doesn't speak, just another forced smile and a nod. "And having earned the position I am in now through many years of hard work, the place I hold has become very important to me. Being Advisor to the King is a privilege very few ever experience." I continue, she remains silent at my side. "That is why the offering is so important, you see, it was I who suggested the offering and the treaty itself. It was my idea for a solution that started this tradition."

She looks up at me, eyes widening, the smile gone.

"Because of that it is my duty to ensure each one of the chosen is suitable and ready for the selection, that they have truly accepted this new life, that they see the gift they have been given to live here with us and be given a new home, being cared for." I stop walking, turning to look down at her, she looks up at me, fear in her expression. "It is also my duty to make sure that if any chosen does not accept this life and the gift we are giving them of a better future that they either find it in their minds to accept, or I will be forced to ensure they do not make it into the selection."

"What?" She whispers.

"Well you can't expect me to allow someone who is unwilling to adhere to our ways, assuring they make a fitting bride and wife for our High Lords to be selected." I reply calmly.

"But, you said we would be safe here." She whispers again, fear growing around her.

"Yes, you are safe from anyone out there who wishes to do you harm, you are not safe however from yourself and your unwillingness to adapt to our customs and ways. I will not allow a defective chosen to make it to the selection, someone who is actively disobeying rules and refusing to change their impulsive and uncivilized habits. You are only one girl, one human girl in a kingdom of fae more powerful than you could ever imagine. While you have been told you are valuable to The King and our people, that does not make you invincible. You are required to do as the other chosen are and learn our ways, becoming someone worthy to bare children to our kind." The threat lingers in my words, my voice losing its calm quality and becoming darker, willing this insignificant human girl to understand what value she truly has.

"I...I'm not..." She stammers but I raise my hand, silencing her.

"Your thoughts on the matter are unimportant. This is your only warning, a promise to you. You will start behaving in the ways you are instructed. You will take any and all advice given to you from the Mistress and all your tutors. I have eyes and ears everywhere Miss Daella, if I do not see change in you then I will be forced to make true on my promise and remove you from the offering."

"You would send me home?" She whispers, hope in her eyes. I can't help but laugh at her expression, the sound making her flinch.

"There is no going home girl, once you cross the barrier you become ours. If you are not good enough to be a chosen then there is no other place for you in our Kingdom. I will make it as if you were never here and you will not be missed. We may lose one of our chosen, but I am willing to accept the loss." I smile down at her, my smile is not a kind one. She leans away from me, her hands gripping her dress tightly.

"Now," I smile, my voice bright and welcoming. "The rest of the afternoon is yours to do as you wish. I am a very busy man Miss Daella, so if you will excuse me." I nod at her before turning on my heel. "I will be watching Miss Daella, and I am no liar." I say as I walk away leaving her to stand in the hallway alone.

I didn't want to have to kill her, but at the end of the day, one human girl would not undo all of my hard work and planning. The King would be upset to hear of the loss, there would be questions but answers could always be made.

The Offering has been the biggest success of my time as Advisor and I intend for it to continue as such. No matter the cost.

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