Chapter Forty Two - Daella

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I scribble the note quickly, asking Aeris to meet me at the kennels after my lessons. I fold the note and write his name on the front as there is a knock on the door and my maids walk in.

"Good morning Miss," Saena and Lyari smile as I walk up to them.

"Will one of you give this to Prince Aeris for me?" I ask holding the letter out towards them.

"Of course Miss, I will give it to him as soon as you are dressed and ready." Lyari answers taking it and tucking it into her apron.

I thank her and move towards the bathroom. Only a few hours and then I would tell Aeris the truth and hope and pray to whoever is listening that he doesn't end up hating me.

I walk quickly, remembering the last time I had been in the kennels and feeling my heart beat faster still.

I hold my breath as I approach Moira's stall scared he won't be there, but he is there, sitting on the ground with a puppy in his arms.

He looks up and smiles at me.

"Hello Dearest,"

"Hello," I smile as I walk in and close the gate behind me. "I'm glad you are here."

"I am glad I am here as well, and you are with me." He smiles.

I nod, gripping my hands at my sides, trying to remember everything I wanted to tell him, the words I had practiced over and over last night and this morning.

"I want to tell you something." I say, still standing near the gate and he looks up at me, setting down the puppy and standing up, he dusts his pants off as he steps closer towards me.

"What do you want to tell me?"

"My feelings for you aren't what they used to be. I don't know exactly when they changed, but I love you." I take a quick breath. "I love you and I love Alvaryn, I can't explain why, and I can't choose between the two of you, I feel the same way about both of you and I wanted to tell you the truth."

Once the words are all out I dare to look up at him, he looks down at me before taking a step back and letting out a humourless laugh.

He's laughing at me?

"I have been so worried, wondering if it was me or my brother that you wanted, but now you are here telling me it is both of us, that you love both of us?" He asks looking over at me and I nod.

He laughs again and I feel my temper rise. I had just bared my soul to him, thoughts I have been holding onto by myself and tormenting myself with and now he is laughing at me.

"Is this some kind of game?" He asks, looking down at me. "You think it will be better for me when my brother chooses you first and I am left knowing that you love me but can't have you?"

"This isn't a game!" I snap. "I told you because I wanted you to know the truth, that it wasn't just what Demwyn said that made me stay away, that I felt guilty for being with you when I wanted Alvaryn as well."

He tilts his head back, his hands over his face. "It's payback, payback for seeing you as a game." He says out loud.

"Aren't you listening to me you idiot, I am telling you that I love you, that I am in love with you and all you can focus on is this stupid rivalry that only exists in your own mind!" I nearly scream as we stand facing each other.

"It isn't just in my mind Daella. You tell me that there is no difference, that you feel the same for both of us, and yet he calls you Dae, while I continue to call you Daella, like everyone else. What is that if not a difference?" He demands.

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