Chapter Sixteen - Demwyn

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I reach the training grounds early, as I did every morning, waiting for my brother's to join me, we preferred to train before all the other guards started their daily sessions. I start wrapping my hands, covering my knuckles as the morning mist settles around me.

"So eager to beat us to death, brother?" I hear Aeris call out as he walks towards me, Alvaryn just a step behind.

"He wouldn't beat us to death, just close enough that we could still walk out of here on both legs." Alvaryn jokes, picking up a strap and beginning to wrap his own hands.

"It's been some time we have sparred without swords, I wouldn't want you both to forget how." I reply, testing both wraps on my hands. "Besides, I'm not stupid enough to kill both of you and have mother's wrath."

They only smile at me, swinging their arms and warming their muscles as we near the sparring ring.

Most feared father, he was the king, and his magic was powerful, but it was mother's magic that I knew was the real thing to fear. She never used it, it was dark and disastrous, black shadows that could bring a man to his knees in seconds. I had only seen it once, when I was very young, before Alvaryn and Aeris. She hadn't known I was there in the room and she lost her temper.

The servants had started screaming as the darkness wrapped around them. When she saw me standing there the shadows slithered back inside her and the servants were on the ground weeping.

The memory had been burned into my mind, I had never been able to look at her the same way. No, I would never want to be my mother's enemy.

I shake the memory from my head, clearing my thoughts.

"Aeris, you first." I call out expecting a complaint but he only stretches his neck from side to side and comes to stand in front of me.

"Three taps?" He asks rolling his shoulders.

"Three taps." I agree, our only rule. Three taps and you resign. Other than that anything was allowed.

Aeris was quick, striking first. We move quickly, fists swinging, it doesn't take long before we are both breathing hard, sweat clinging to my shirt.

"Did you enjoy your dance partners last night Dem?" He asks, trying to distract me as he grins, blood lining his lower lip in a bright red streak.

"They were fine." I reply, avoiding his right hook before hooking my foot around his ankle but he dances out of it, laughing as he spins.

"You missed out on dancing with Daella though."

I shake my head. "I'm not playing your game with her." I reply as we stalk each other. I had decided last night to step out of their game, or whatever it was they were playing at.

Aeris moves lightning quick, three paces before he attacks, I block his first move but he expects it, landing three quick blows to my kidneys, I grunt, grabbing his arm and twisting it around behind his back close to the point of breaking.

"Three taps is all it takes." I say close to his ears, his smiles, blood on his teeth.

"But I have you right where I want you." He groans.

I pull tighter and he grits his teeth together.

"Well then I guess the healers can repair your broken arm, or maybe your arm and your leg?" I ask, kicking the back of his knee. He grunts as his knees hit the ground and I step onto his calf, pressing my boot down hard enough it would leave a bruise.

He brings up his hand and taps my forearm three times and I release him.

He catches himself and I hold my hand out to help him up. He takes it, heaving himself up I clap him on the shoulder.

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