Chapter Forty Four - Demwyn

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I stand trying my best not to squirm as this formal suit constricts all of my movements in a severely uncomfortable way. I mean what if someone attacked us right now? I would have to tear the jacket off first before I would be of any use. I envied the guards in the room at their stations, wearing their uniforms, designed for agility and protection. This black fitted suit seemed more like a death trap than anything else.

I glance at my brothers who haven't been speaking to me since they found out what I had said to Daella. I had no regrets about it, they might be angry now but it will be for the best, she was a distraction that needed to be removed.

Alvaryn leans close to Aeris and says something quietly while Aeris nods in agreement and I turn back to face the doors to the greeting room.

Let them have their secrets, let them sulk and sit in their anger, they would move on eventually and I will know that I did all I could to make sure they didn't make the biggest mistakes of their lives.

Varis leans close to father at his side while Mother takes her seat, Father nods at whatever Varis is speaking to him about and I turn back to the doors letting out a frustrated sigh as I stand waiting for our guest.

It was to be a formal welcoming of Prince Arden and then a family dinner with him as our guest.

The whole idea made me uncomfortable. They had been our enemies for years and now all of a sudden they wanted to band together and have peace. I didn't buy it, I didn't trust anyone from his kingdom, most were born with dark magic. I didn't blame mother from being born in the Nievenyth Kingdom, nor her dark magic, but at least she chose not to use it.

Arden was different, he revelled in his dark nightmares. I had witnessed him on the battlefields bringing men to their knees as his nightmares reeked torment and torture on their minds. He was relentless in his assault and I could see the revelry in his eyes as he watched my men fall to his magic.

The guards snap to attention and move to open the doors and I stand a little straighter as Arden steps into the room.

His white blonde hair the exact shade of Mother and Aeris, only his was cut shorter, much like Alvaryn's it was short around the sides and a little longer on top pushed back and away from his face. He wore a black riding suit as he stalked in with an arrogant grin on his face, his black riding boots clipping on the floor. His ice blue eyes stare straight ahead as he walks to the dais.

He stops as he nears the dais, a little too close for my comfort and nods towards Father and Mother.

"King Harwyn, Queen Marlia and my cousins," He nods towards us. "I feel honoured to be a guest in your beautiful Kingdom and extend my gratitude for you allowing me to enter your palace walls." His words sure and smooth like a practiced speech.

"Prince Arden we are glad you have come and look forward to your visit and your offers of peace between our Kingdoms, it has been many years since we lived in peace with Nievenyth and it would bring us much joy to live so again." Father says in return.

"Thank you King Harwyn, I look forward to discussing our ideas with you and your council and hope that we can come to an agreement of what our futures will come to be."

Every one of his words and smiles and gestures is too precise, too perfect and I can't help but fist my hands behind my back as I stand still and silent. I didn't trust him, I didn't trust anything he was saying and even said as much to Father when he had told me about the planned visit, but he had insisted I was wrong and the idea of peace was a good thing for our Kingdom.

"Well you have travelled many days to reach us, please let our servants show you to your rooms and get settled in. We have a family dinner planned for this evening that we would like you attend and hope you will be able to join us." Father smiles as if he believes every single word coming out of Arden's arrogant smug mouth.

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