Chapter Sixty Seven - Daella

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My fingers slip through Alvaryn's dark hair in soft smooth strokes. He had finally fallen asleep. Eyes red rimmed, body and mind thoroughly exhausted. He had held on for as long as he could, crying in my arms while I held him, not knowing what else I could do or say.

What could I say? His parents are dead, murdered in their bed. It had happened while he slept. Being woken in the middle of the night to find your parents dead was not something anyone should ever experience.

And so I had held him, his sobs turning quiet, his breathing becoming slower, his body giving out until he had passed out.

Now he lies in my bed and I don't want to leave him, don't want to risk him waking alone but I know Aeris is out there somewhere.

I don't want to imagine what he is doing or who he is with.

I kiss Alvaryn's cheek before easing off the bed and out of the room.

I didn't know where to look, my only thoughts were either his rooms or the kennels.

I start making my way towards his rooms, it is almost sunrise and servants are moving around the corridors.

The King and Queen may be dead but the palace continues to move around them.

"Daylight?" I hear Aeris' voice calling out from down the corridor and quickly move towards it.

"Have you seen my Daylight?" He calls out but no one answers.

"Aeris!" I call out quietly, turning a corner to find him looking around, a bottle in his hand and barefoot. He spins, seeing me and grins.

"There you are Daylight, I have been looking for you." He smiles, taking a long pull from the bottle in his hand.

"Here I am, now how about we both go back to my room." I say, putting my arm around his back and guiding him towards the chosen's wing.

"Aren't you cold dearest? You're not dressed appropriately for so early in the morning." He says, one arm around my shoulder as he looks down at me.

"It is a little cold but I wanted to come and find you so I didn't have time to get dressed." I answer quietly, nodding as another servant passes us, their eyes lingering on Aeris as he takes another drink and wavers against me.

I struggle to keep him upright and walking in a straight line.

"All out." He says looking at the bottle before tossing it behind him. It shatters on the ground behind us and I pause looking over my shoulder at the broken glass.

A servant rushes over.

"I'm so sorry." I say quietly.

"It's alright Miss." She says shaking her head and looking at Aeris.

"It's alright Dearest, I know where there is some more wine." Aeris says leaning into me.

I push back against him, helping him to stand upright as we keep walking.

"How about we go back to my room and have a lie down."

"Will there be wine there?"

"I'm sure we can have some bought to the room." I answer, knowing there was no way I would give him anything else to drink.

We reach my room and I manage to get him inside and close the door behind us, he steps away from me, looking around the room he stops at my bed.

"Alvy!" He calls out with his arms spread out wide.

"Shhh!" I shush him. "Don't wake him up, he's sleeping." I stand in front of Aeris, taking his face in my hands to get his attention.

He nods slowly, holding his finger over his lips.

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