Chapter Twenty Eight - Varis

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The letter feels heavy in my hands, I wasn't sure if it was just the timing or the contents of the letter itself but something about it had left me feeling more on edge since I opened it.

The King's guards stand at the doors to his rooms as I approach, I open the door letting myself in.

"Good Evening your Grace." I call out as I close the doors behind me.

"Come in Varis" He calls back walking out of his dressing room. "Good, you received my message."

"Yes your Grace, I also received a letter that I felt the need to share with you before this evening's celebrations." I bow.

"I expect everything is ready for the Solstice this evening." He replies as servants adjust his cape and another readies his boots.

"Yes your Grace, all of the preparations have been made. Queen Marlia is ready to join you and the Princes." I answer having made sure everything was perfect for tonight's Summer Solstice.

"Good, I hope the chosen enjoy the celebrations and can experience what the future holds for them." His reflection smiles at me in the mirror before taking a seat to put on his boots.

"Yes Your Grace, I'm sure they will enjoy this evening immensely." I agree though my thoughts weren't of the human girls enjoying the celebration so much as whether one in particular had finally listened to the warning.

"Well what is this letter then?" He asks.

"It is from the Nievenyth Kingdom Your Grace, they wish to send an emissary to broker a truce with us. We have experienced a standstill for the last couple of years from the kingdom and have not been involved in any battles but they say they want to join kingdoms again and become allies as we were when you married Queen Marlia." I explain.

"It has been many years since we considered their kingdom allies, strange they should send this request with no precursor." He replies. "Who do they intend to send?"

"Prince Arden Your Grace, he is brother to the King and General of their armies." I answer.

"Yes I remember, do they say when they want to have this visit?"

"They write Prince Arden will leave as soon as they receive confirmation of his visit from us."

"Well we will have to speak to the council at the next meeting and make arrangements." He says standing and looking at his reflection.

"You intend to allow Prince Arden to visit us during this time?" I ask.

"Yes, if they want peace between our kingdoms then we should be welcoming them. It has been many years since we have had any issue with them personally so it only shows of their change, perhaps they have finally realized we are not someone who they need to fight. When I married Queen Marlia we were able to work together for decades and both of our Kingdoms were blessed because of it, there are many benefits to opening communications with the Kingdom again and now seems just as good a time as any." He answers as the servant places his crown on his head.

"The selection is very close Your Grace, perhaps it would be wiser to wait until after that is completed before we welcome Prince Arden into the palace." I suggest.

"The offering is going well, there is no need to postpone a visit from the Fae Kingdom because of it. My sons will be betrothed soon and strengthen our kingdom with their heirs, it will be good for the Kingdom to see that we would make a strong ally." He replies turning away from the mirror to face me.

"Yes your Grace," I bow.

"Now I am to go and meet Marlia and our sons, as for you, why don't you try to enjoy yourself this evening, the rest can wait." He says clapping my shoulder as he walks past me.

I bow at his back before he leaves the room.

The hope of having The Nievenyth Kingdom as allies again had clearly interested King Harwyn, it was something that interested me as well, there were indeed countless benefits of alliancing ourselves with them. But the last time both kingdoms had given a princess in exchange for the union. Princess Marlia had been sent over to us to become Harwyn's wife and Queen and Princess Bryrie, Harwyn's sister, had been sent to The Nievenyth Kingdom to marry King Gallian and become Queen.

The trade had served both kingdoms well, until it didn't.

After the death of Queen Bryrie and their only heir The Nievenyth Kingdom was no longer happy with their alliance. They started a long and brutal war between our kingdoms. The Princes fought against Prince Callin and Prince Arden many times. It was only after the last battle that took most of their forces that they retreated. It has been years since we have heard from them. When we started the treaty with the humans it became our focus on making sure our race survived and produced heirs. The other fae Kingdoms were just as desperate and all took a step back from waging war and risking more life.

Now it has been over a hundred years and we have another generation of fae growing but what did it mean for the other fae kingdoms, this one included. Did they truly want peace? To be allies like we once were? Perhaps King Callin saw the faults of his father and intended to bring back to prosperity we both enjoyed when we were allied.

I look at the note in my hand, it still felt heavy, it held so much promise for potential, but at what cost? What would they demand in return for an alliance? It was my job to see into the future somewhat, see possibilities and be prepared for whatever may come. This letter is something that holds possibilities but right now I didn't want to think about those, I wanted to make sure this offering went exactly as planned and the Princes chose women that would be right for the kingdom. 

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