Chapter Eight

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" I don't know why he is being so paranoid Shirley, and I don't like it ", Arianna poured her mind out to her best friend who is seated right in front of her in a restaurant.

They both planned on meeting there after getting out of work for the day.

She sighed heavily and then continue, her friend's full attention fixed on her.

" I've been doing this for several years now and he just wants me to turn a blind eye to everything even with all the evidences. That isn't fair.
Someone has to do something, take a step ",

Shirley nodded repeatedly in understanding.
She has known her friend for more than twelve years now and trust me she knows how much she despise injustice.
She sees injustice as pure evil.

" Arianna, I will say that I understand you truly .... Very well and I know how much that case has to be treated with immediate effect. I know so but I think we should look logically on your husband's points as well.
He doesn't want you to get hurt ", Shirley explained calmly with a soft gesture.

Arianna sighed heavily.
" But I will be fine Shirley, someone has to do something. Those people are evil and trust me if utmost care is not taken Governor Delagado will surely make his way out of prison ", she rasped in frustration running her hands through her dark long silky hair.

" They can never hurt me ", she added and Shirley sighed tiredly.
Arianna can somehow be stubborn and resistive sometimes.
Once she set her heart and soul on something, there is no way in this world anyone can change her mind. Never.

" They are evil best, ", she added again now in a more like a persuasive manner.
She has to get the full support of people around her, it will do a good thing in boasting her morale.

Shirley sighed again, the look on displease and hesitance engraved on her face.
She heaved a long frustrated sigh again.

" Just do this for me Shirley, please. I need your support most importantly now that Richard does not want to hear of me getting involved in the case. ....... ", Shirley cut her off.

" Arianna, You always will have my support...everytime and that of Richard's and trust me he is just being worried about you. He cares "

" I know ..... I know ....I know that he cares much but he is being too paranoid ",

" Don't say that Arianna, trust me he has all the right in this world to freak it out ...yes . That shows how much you mean to him ", Shirley pointed out.
A rush of guilt flushed through Arianna's face.

" And I can't say he is being too paranoid, if only he knew of the attack at the concert when we were on Delagado's case then definitely he will stop you by all means ", Shirley added looking away not staring at her friend's face.

Arianna bit her lower lips anxiously and let out a tired sigh.
" But didn't we agreed on not bringing this up never again? " Arianna said pinning her hard stare on her friend.

Shirley rolled her eyes .
" Yes I know, but don't you think it worth giving a good thorough thought all over again. Your safety was on the line then and now do you think they will just sit down and watch you ruin everything for them?? "

" You were terrified then as well Arianna, why are you so stubborn?", Shirley fired almost yelling but she kept her cool.

" They will try harder to harm you this time around, Fabian isn't just anyone", Shirley added .

Arianna's shoulder sank, her mind wandered back to the most terrifying moment of her life.

During their struggle with Delagado's case, her life was attemped on on her way to a concert with her best friend.
The image of the stray bullet which flew above her head came into her mind and she shivered a chance cold shivers ran through her spine.

" I don't know why you are bringing this up but I am very sure I am not the target that night. It had to be someone else. ", Arianna denied and Shirley stared at her unbelievably.

No matter what, Arianna just won't admit the fact that she was the supposed target that night.

" Arianna you and I know that you were the target and I...... "

" Shirley please... don't ", she raised her hand up dismmisively.

" We agreed on never bringing up what happened that night again so please don't do that now.
And no one can find out "

Shirley stared at her friend with a unpleasant look mixed with confusion.
She is saying she was not the target then why is she keeping it away from her husband.

"He still doesn't know? "

She nodded, " He need not to "

Shirley scoffed a bit pissed now, why hurting herself and her family all because of a case.?
Does it all worth it?

" Shirley I have somewhere to go to with my husband. His mother invited us for dinner and I have to be on my way now so..... your decision? " She asked her friend who raised her left brows up questionably.

" Are you in with me or not? "

Shirley stared at her friend for some time before giving out her answer.
Nothing can change her mind .

" Fine " she replied in a strangled voice.
An excited smile crept into Arianna's face

" Good thanks Best ", she said kissing both of her cheeks with a wide grin .

Shirley has a look on displeasure and uneasiness on her face , why can't just Arianna look deep before diving into this?
Why can't she just put herself and her family first this time around?

For Richard to oppose something that Arianna is doing then he must had sensed a red flag.
He has always been a supportive husband, he cares of her happiness.

She could remember he wasn't that pleased when they were on Delagado's case then.

There are sometimes that you have to be selfish, not to harm anyone but for your own happiness.
You can never please the world and everyone no matter how much you try.
The world will always be so unfair.

" Bye Best ", Arianna waved goodbye to her friend before rushing out of the restaurant.

© Adira H.

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