Chapter sixteen

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With so much anger, she removed the wig off her head and flung it harshly on her desk.

Her heart was beating very, her breath unstable.
She was practically burning in anger..

Shirley sighed," you have to calm down babe, getting angy unecessaary won't.,........ ",

"You call this unecessaary?? Like unecessaary... Shirley ", Arianna scoffed eyeing her friend harshly

" Aria, I don't mean it like that, what I am trying to say is that you have to keep your cool , you are loosing it and that won't help in anyway . It isn't like he has been vindicated, the game is still on.",

" But he got released, he is a criminal, behind the bar is what he deserves ", Arianna spat angrily.

" A criminal but still the current governor of the state, he has to perform his duties, and if finally found guilty of all charges, then definitely he will get a replacement.
You know all of these things Aria, you know how American government works ",.

" And the the act that they dismissed that strong evidence reffering to it as irrelevant is crazy. He is definitely trying to play this dirty. ."

" You don't expect them to give up like that, Fabian is a politics figure here in America, you know too well before getting into it " Shirley scolded her voice coming out stern and a bit loud.

Gulping down a mouthful of saliva, she calmed herself.
It isn't the right time for argument.

" We still have many chances , try and get across nelson, I believe we can do this.",

With a loud heavy sigh, Arianna lowered into the cushion beside her.
Her mind has been in total chaos since yesterday night, she didn't have a good night rest as she kept in thinking if everything happening and now Fabian will be out of jail. The devil is out of loose.

She woke up this morning to an empty bed and an empty house, and when she tried calling him he didn't pick and at some point his line wasn't reachable anymore.
She did her best in acting well in Court, but it probably is going down the drain now as the devil will be out.
Fabian Delagado is out after all.

" Aria...", she flinched out of her thoughts as she heard her name being called.

"Richard, what is happening? I saw it on the News this morning, what is going on ? ",

Hearing this, Arianna demeanor changed swiftly, her broad shoulder slumped.
The look on her face terrified her friend.
" Is everything okay?", Shirley asked walking up to her , genuine worry on her face.

" Talk to me",she spoke tenderly placing her hand softly on her shoulders.
A tired frustrated sigh escaped through Arianna's lips,
" I don't know", she sighed again

A frown made a way to Shirley's face,.
" He isn't saying any, he doesn't trust me .. I don't know........",

" Babe trust me you won't.........", a knock came through the door interrupting Shirley.

Simultaneously, both their gaze lingered towards the door.
Another knock.
" Come in ", Arianna voiced after comporting themselves.
Shirley who was standing beside her now seated on the couch at the corner of her office.

The door creaked Open, revealing the devil in person, he walked majestically inside as if he owns the place.
" What are you doing here", Arianna spat in disgust, her facial expression not in any way betraying her words.

Instead of him responding, he smiled wryly.
" It is a pleasure finally meeting you in person too, Barrister Arianna Rodriguez",

Knowing exactly what he wanted to do, she decided to play along as well.
"Senator, how may I help you? Oh my bad , please have your seat sir "

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