Chapter Thirty (Finale)

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A month later.

For the past months now, Arianna Rodriguez has come to learn something so important.

Losing your loved ones, or people leaving you may make you realize somethings at some particular point in your life.

It's been one month since her husband's arrest,  obviously still on the Case.
She would have taken over her husband's case but the American Government had denied her of that.

Somewhat, she is glad they did.
There is no way in heavens name she would have kept her emotions in cool.

She is a woman who is in no way ready to lose her husband.
At some point she can probably get desperate and go beyond.
And the fact that she almost did it before , remember?

But she tried her best, heavens know she did?
But it seems nothing she does can ever set things to how it was.

Maybe things will have to change, and maybe... Just maybe it can get better soon
She hopes so, but sincerely can it?

With the survey of things, can it get any better soon?
Her husband might go to jail, she is a slowly losing herself...  gradually.

She might have a lot of things too late, together with the fact that her conscience hasn't subsided one thing since all of it.

Richard might have a very dark past he doesn't want people to know, he might have had his own demons, but he was the best thing ever that has happened to her.

He might be going through a lot, doing everything to protect her by keeping her away from his past, struggling with his mind but never for once has he mistrusted or love her less.

He has always done everything for her, but what exactly has she done?
It might sound absurd, but Her husband has been the one investing much in their marriage, mentally and emotionally.

All she does is build her career andfight for people, when she hasn't for her very own husband.
And when everything starts revealing, what did she do?
She started to doubt him and think the worst about him.

She might have been deceiving herself all along that she was giving him a chance but truthfully she doubted him big time.

He would have fight for her instead, he just loves her Way too much that it makes her heart bled.
Has she ever loved him half oh how he loves her?
Has she?

And now he might go to prison for God knows when , mere thought of it made her lips quivered.

The warm palm of Shirley interlocked with hers was what brought her back to consciousness.
Her mind has been long gone that she didn't know when she started to breath heavily.

" Breath Aria, breath please. You will be fine",she cooed softly, patting her back soothingly.

She did breath,  pushing back the brimming tears which settled at the tip of her eyelid.

" Thank you", she muttered.

" The judge will pronounce his verdict now"

It was then She noticed how silent and decorous the room was.
For how long has she been lost in her thoughts.

She trailed her gaze from the judge to him, but he was not looking. He has his back facing her.
She retracted her gaze anyways.

Several prayers running through her head.
Perhaps a miracle could happen, and they would let him go.

The fact that she wasn't even listening to all of the judge's long talk, all she wants to hear is the final verdict.
That is the only thing on her mind.

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