Cursed or Blessed

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A long time ago in the 18th century there was a village in the indies. In that village divided two tribes leaded by two man, Bongak and Oswo. Bongak was a very ignorant man while Oswo wanted to bring both tribes together. Bongak would tell his man to go hunt the wolves slaughter as many as they could. Oswo would disagree watching them cut fur off the wolves body making pelts from their skin. Bongak would eat the remaining wolf bodies after roasting its skin. There was a witch in the mountains who would watch the sins of Bongak killing her beloved wolves. She did not understand his hatred for the wolves as they were far from his tribe. She would talk too Oswo telling him to stop Bongak before the wolves went extinct in the indies.

Oswo had tried to confront Bongak but that ended up being a mistake as he was nearly beat to death. Oswo lost his villagers as they sided with Bongak. He was defeated and lost everything he had. Oswo was casted out of the village and sent to die in the woods. Many nights he would hear the village celebrating and howling in the sky's like wolves mocking the animals they killed. Oswo was starving and was afraid to kill him self so he had no choice, he had to hunt. He passed many wolves hoping to not stoop to that level as he looked for deers or buffalo. But he would see no other animals but wolves as his body drew weaker.

As he collapsed hoping to take his last breath quickly, he heard howls from the village more animalistic then before. A wolf had came to his aid Bowing before him as he shook his head no.  The witch had appeared out of mist and fog looking down at him. She asked him if he wanted revenge on the village, promised him godly power. Of course hatred was in his heart as he agreed, she extended a contract which he blindly signed. She laughed mischievously at him watching him suffer on the ground as she climb on top of him. She whispered in his ear telling him that he sold his soul to her as she sunk her fangs into his neck.

Everything went black for Oswo as the witch had disappeared and so did the wolves around her. Oswo's brown skin had turned white pale as he had rose up not feeling any hunger, only thirst for blood. And he could smell plenty towards the village and that's where he went. Oswo went to the village to kill Bongak, he could see himself biting down into his neck with his new fangs. When Oswo had reached the village the place was surrounded by gigantic wolves. The witch had cursed each man in the village to suffer from wolf's blood.

Daiya POV

"Okay but what's that gots to do with us, where not from a village." I interrupted Derek as everyone looks at me. We were surrounded by a bonfire and the night had drawn close. "How 'bout you shut up and let him finish." Malia said snarling at me as I hear a growl escape my throat at her. "How bout you make me. Bitch." I bark as she stood up and I didn't back down. James was laughing in the background as we both looked at him. "What!" We both yelled at him as we looked at each other and smiled. "I like her." Malia said as she sat down and I sat back down as well.

"The curse wasn't just for a village... it was directed towards ancestry. Anyone who carried a werewolf in their family there was a possibility that the transformation was passed to the next generation." Derek stated standing up wiping the sand off of his pants. "Meaning we're cursed." He said walking to his car as Malia, Leon, and Carter followed behind him as he started it up and backed out. "Just howl if you can't reach me. I'm the Alpha I'll know your call." Derek said driving off as I watch the smoke trail away.

Malia was a white teenage girl with brunette hair as her eyes were blue. She was pretty. León was a white man with long shaggy hair that covered his eyes. I think they were brown every time he would flip his hair to look at one of us. Carter was another white man as he was too on edge. Too jumpy. Too anxious. His his hair was shaved off as his eyes were blue like Malia's. Me and my brother were the only half Indians here. I know we had Indian in our ancestry so could what Derek told us be true.

After awhile of looking at the moon hovering above the ocean me and my brother James finally got in my car. The ride was silent for a good thirty minutes as I was on the highway now. "I think I can heal grandma." He randomly spoke out as it caught me off guard causing me to jump. "What are you on about now?" I said irritably. "When Ava touched me she absorbed my heat that was coming off of my body... maybe I can send the heat i been letting off to heal our grandmother Daiya." He stated looking at me as I kept my eyes on the cars in front of me.

"Your still talking to her. She's boring." I told him as he shook his head and growled a little to himself. "Daiya watch this." He said as my eyes went from the road to him. He held his hand out as his nails grew sharp and long. "Oh shit we can do that?" I asked him as he shook his head. "It just keeps coming to me. I'm getting stronger Daiya." He said as he took his now extended claw to his wrist. "What are you doing? James don't!" I insisted but he didn't listen as I watch him ball up on his hand holding his pinky out. He slits his wrist with his claw grunting to himself as his claws fade back into his regular fingernails.

I look at the road making sure I don't crash before looking at my brother. I look down at his wrist as the deep wound that I saw was no longer there. "The fuck." I said to myself as we got off the highway. "I told you." He said as we pulled up to the apartment.

"Daiya. Be careful with Derek. I don't trust him." James told me as I don't see what he is worried about. "Okay James." I told him as he shook his head to himself before walking into the building and I drove off. He knows I'm not going to listen.

James POV

My alarm clock woke me up as I realized today was Monday. I groaned to myself as I feel tired and exhausted as if I had transformed again. I get out of bed in nothing but my boxers as I go to take a shower. I brush my teeth and pick out my hair as I put on some different boxers as I heard footsteps approach my door. I walk over to it opening it before she can knock as I look at her. "Uhh hi... this is awkward." Ava said as she was wearing a red tunic and some black heels. "I caught your scent." I told her as she looked at me puzzled. "I mean I could tell it was you by your footsteps." I change up what I said as she nodded her head.

"I was picking you up. Your sister said someone stole your car..." before she can finish her words a loud howl echoed through the building as I shivered from the sound. It sounded feminine and worried as if something was trying to harm her. "Malia." I said to myself as I move pass Ava. "James?" Ava said grabbing my shoulder as I looked at her I can feel my eyes burning. "Your eyes... they're red." She said stepping back as I growl to myself walking out the building in my boxers.

"Fuck." I said as my bones starting cracking and dismantling as I run into the nearest forest shifting into my brown coated wolf form. My paws hitting the ground as I could sense where she was as I started sprinting on all fours. The sounds my paws was making on impact sounded like a horse galloping as all types of animals moved out of my way. Another howl and this time I could tell I was closer as I found myself drawing close to a graveyard.

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