Fighting Death

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"Mmmmm. no. Teleport." Daiya said poof as she disappeared leaving the grim reaper man with me. "Well ain't this about a bitch." I said to myself as his throne started disintegrating once the flames on his cloak burnt hotter. "Move Ava Nyalya." He said saying my government as I ready myself. "I don't care who you are. Nobody is going to kill Them except for me." I warned him as he stood still before disappearing. I look around as he was no where in sight. I felt a wave of heat behind me as I turn around swinging but I hit nothing.

He had no eyes as I stared into the holes of his face where his eyes should be. He placed his hand to my face and a blast of air knocked me back sending me flying into a tree. "How the hell am I going to fight something I can't touch." I said to myself as he stood still. "You don't. My business here doesn't concern you. I am simply following the law of life. Do not stand in my way. I am neither good or evil. Death is apart of life. And I can not allow anyone to escape it." He said as Dana threw something at him causing him to disappear.

I look around waiting for him to come back but he was gone. "What did you do?" I asked her as she looked at me worried. "Spirits temporarily vanish from a contact of anything silver." She says as I looked down at the ground to see the silver spoon. "We don't have long. He either comes back or moves on to his next target." She said as I followed her in the house. "Well if that's the case. He's not going to bother us anymore." I stated as I shut the door as she poured a line of salt at the entrance of the doorway.

Yasmine POV

Poof. I hold my anger in as I jump up seeing Daiya appear in front of me while I was watching tv. "Yasmine. He's here!" Daiya said looking nervous as I look at her puzzled. "The Death Angel man I been telling you..." she was interrupted by a tall dark figure as he started to phase inside of the house. My mouth dropped as I got up looking at the Spirit as he was unexpectedly tall. "Yasmine Sanora Winter, Princess of the Eternal Realm. What are you doing on Earth realm." He said as poof Daiya disappeared.

"Death. Wouldn't be the first time Ive seen you." I told him as he nodded. "But it will be your last." He said as the shrouded cloak he was wearing started to turn into a black suit as he made his appearance mortal. "Your taking your form of a mortal?." I asked as he nodded.

"I can tell you. What I'm about to do. It's not personal. But I'm going to enjoy taking Daiya's soul." He smiled at me as I ready myself. "I know I can't kill you. But at least in this form I can kick your ass." I stated as he chuckled as he fixed his suit jacket. "You mean you think." He says as he teleported in my face grabbing me by my throat tossing me out the window of the cabin house. Damn he's fast. "You've gone soft. I can feel it on you." He said as I spit out blood from my mouth. Damn i'm wounded.
He grabs my hair and slams his knee into my face I see stars as I feel light headed. "You used to be a killer. What have you done with your life princess. Nothing." He said as another knee slams into my face.

Electricity sparks around me as my fangs grow out  of my mouth. I slow time Down as I was planning on using my super speed to get out of this situation. But he slammed his knee into my stomach causing me to lose focus as time went back to normal. I cough up blood. Damn. I'm getting overwhelmed right now. It's embarrassing. I grab a handful of sand and toss it towards his face as he disappeared. I look around trying to hear his movements.

But he was a spirit I wasn't going to be able to hear him.  "The only reason I'm wasting my time on you. Is because Thanatos had the nerve to say you were my competition once upon a time. Now look at you. My successor? You were never even my rival." He said to me as I struggled to get up.

"You can't beat me. You have to be dead in order to kill me. The only person that can kill me right now is Daiya. But she doesn't even know that." He told me as he changed back into his spirit form. His Scythe out with the flames surrounding him as he looked down on me. "You won't get Daiya's soul." I told him as he stared at me. "I will. You should really go back to the old you." He said as he was about to deliver the fatal strike as he readied to impale me.

"You were a vampire too Andrew. Don't act like your something special. We both know who you really are. Your just another ghost taking other spirits souls in order to stay alive. Which makes me stronger than you ever were. Even in death you feed on others." I said as if I had to say my last words.

"Feeding made me stronger. Which is why you are weak now. You deny your true Morality. We are the apex predators and we must feed. Now Princess Yasmine enough talking. Your soul is..." he started to finish his sentence as a sound of a roar echoed through out the woods. I cover my ears with my hands watching as Andrew did the same. Howls followed behind the roar as Wolves surrounded the cabin house. They weren't any wolves, they were werewolves. It was James's pack as he emerged in front of them his eyes glowed a burning anger of red. Poof. Daiya stood right next to James as he moved forward as the rest of the wolves followed.

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