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James POV

"How could you let him take Alx." I say to Demetrius as he catches his breath. "Man look... I haven't fought monsters in years. What's your excuse?" He says as we look each other in the face. "You wanna fight? I'll be happy to lay you on yo back again!" I spat as he shoves me as I shove him back. "As if you would ever get the chance." He responded as I keep a straight face. "Look. Alx is down there." I tell him as he shrugs. "She's probably already dead. She can't survive under water for that long." Demetrius said as I punch him in his mouth as he stumbles back.

He punches me back in my face as I catch my balance. We both stand still before laughing as we walk towards the ocean. "How long can you hold your breath?" I asked him as he calculates in his mind. "I should be able to last under water a good five minutes." He said as I nod my head. "He can't fight in the sun. Bring him back up here." I tell him as he nods before shifting into his dragon humanoid form. "No wings?" I asked him as he shook his head no. "It'll take a day for my wings to regrow the bastard ripped them off my back when we were fighting." He says as he cracks his neck and dives into the ocean. I go to sit on a rock as I wait for both of the two to return.

Demetrius POV

I hold my breath as I swim deep down to the bottom of the ocean. He was no where to be found as I spent a minute searching for the shark man. The deeper I got I start to see lights as I came across a city under water. It was beautiful. It looked dead as if everything had been evacuated. "Your trespassing." A voice said behind me as I turn my head to see Genesis the shark man. I swing at him but my punches were slow as he dodged it. He span around me fast as he grabbed my tail sending me crashing into a metal gate.

I stand up as I manage to hold my breath. I try to breathe out fire but the water immediately put out my flames. My eyes widen as he sent his foot into my chest knocking me into a building as I felt myself lose breath. "Up there. You have an advantage. Down here. We play by my rules." Genesis taunted as he swum at me as I grab a metal pole on the ground. I aim the pole straight out as he rammed his body head on as the pole impaled his chest.

He screams in pain as the bubbles escapes his mouth as I tackle him. I fly straight into his chest sticking the pole farther inside him. He grabs my horn on my head snapping it off as I scream in pain. I kick him off of me as I lunge forward the pole deeper inside him. He winces in pain as I stick my finger into his missing eye. I stick my hand deep into the hole as he struggles to get me off of him. He wraps his arms around my waist as he brings me in for a bear hug. He squeezes tightly as I couldn't breath anymore.

My oxygen was starting to shorten. The water was starting to smash in my lungs as I was starting to fade. Before I could black out something fast was on him attacking him as I got sent flying back up to surface. I gasp for air as I cough up water as I lay on my chest transforming back into my human form. I look up to see a Asian woman with a fish tail as she looked up at James. Her tail turned into legs as she ran into James's arms as he caught her. "I thought you were dead!" She says as James smiles holding her tightly.


The mermaids were all swarming and attacking Genesis as he was starting to get annoyed. The plan was to get Demetrius back on surface and keep him distracted. "Fall back! Retreat to the surface!" I say as I step out of the Air Force and into the water holding my breath. One of the mermaids immediately grabbed me swimming as fast as a vampire on land. I was on the surface as I looked around to see all the mermaids followed us. We were all on the land as it had to be over a hundred female mermaids. They were all happy that they had been freed as the ran to each other hugging one another.

Demetrius started to stand on his feet as he caught his breath. I walk up to the boys as I seen Mia was hugging and kissing James. I started to get uncomfortable so I just stood beside Demetrius.
"Is he dead?" Demetrius asked as I shook my head no. "I broke the mermaids out. They helped you escape." I told him as he shook his head as he stared at the ground. "I'm the only one that can beat him." He said as James walked up to us. "If you go back under water you'll die." James told him as he looked at me for assurance. I nodded my head at him agreeing as Demetrius took a deep breath.

The sun was starting to fall down as we all looked at the ocean. As suspected Genesis emerged from the water as he looked at every last one of us. Rain started to pour down as the odds were starting to appear in his favor. All the mermaids were on their legs as they were behind Demetrius and James. James stepped forward as Mia followed behind him hand and hand. "Never figured you to have a  mermaid fetish." Demetrius said to James as he stood by his side.

"She's... special to me." James said as he looked at Mia as I was starting to grow irritation. "Let's focus on the shark man..." I said as we all watched him flex his arms as he started to grow bigger. His teeth grew sharper as he stood at least 10 feel tall. "Give me back my women." Genesis said as James started to get pissed. He pushed Mia behind him as Demetrius stepped each step with James. They looked at each other and nodded.

"I know your wings are still healing but I'm going to need you to attack from above. Me and Alx will take the ground." James said as I nodded shifting into my humanoid cheetah form. "Who the fuck made you in charge." Demetrius said as James eyed him eyes glowing red. "I'm the alpha. Whether I have a pack or not. I was born to lead." James said as Genesis was still growing and getting bigger.

"I know buddy. I just wanted to hear you say it. Now lead." Demetrius said as he jumped in the air shifting into his dragon body taking flight with a wing as the other was damaged. James started to grow huge as his body got bulky and fur was appearing on his skin. A large tail grew from his back as well as the smoke started to flow from his skin. He was in his Wolf man form as he sprinted on his hands and feet towards Genesis. Demetrius was breathing fire from above raining hell on him. I shifted into my cheetah form sprinting forward aiming for his legs.

This time we work together.

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