Absolute power

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"James is going..." I started to say as Genesis started to laugh out loud. "He's going to what? Lose another eye." He stated as he stood tall watching me grow desperate and annoyed. "You keep bringing his name up like he's going to come down here and rescue you." He said as my emotions were taking over me. James will come to rescue me. He has to.

"Let me out this cage!" I grip the iron bars as Genesis walks around the cells. Plenty of women were locked in here, only those who obeyed him roam free. "Your ungrateful Mia." Genesis said before turning his head and walking up to me. "I've given you Absolute control of this kingdom. And here you are running away from your responsibilities." He said as I frown my face at him. "Your not this kingdoms king." I told him as he grabbed a chair pulling it up and sitting down in front of me.

"The way I see it. I am." He said as the other women were far back in their cells hiding. "You killed all the men. Even the children. And FOR WHAT!" I snapped as he sighs and starts to shift his body slimming himself down. He transforms himself into a human as he looks at me with concern. He was a Caucasian man with blue eyes and scars all over his body. "I tried to let the children live. I always try to let the children live. But they eventually grow up wanting revenge. I don't have the patience for that shit." He said as he started to pace around.

"Your a monster Genesis!" I said as he walked up to my cage. "You shouldn't talk to your father like that." He said looking at me with frustration. "Your not my father. You killed my father." I told him as the hatred was starting to grow thick. "I don't see why your complaining. I never touched you." He said as I looked at him with disgust. "You've scarred these women. You don't deserve to be sitting on the throne of Atlantis." I hissed at him as he punched the cage. "I HAVE BEEN TO PLENTY OF KINGDOMS UNDER THE SEAS! MY RULE IS ABSOLUTE. Nobody can stop me. For I am all powerful. If he isn't powerful than he doesn't deserve to rule." He said as he took a deep breath grinning at me.

"Your a lab experiment that went wrong! You stupid vampire. I know who you really are. YOU BLOOD SUCKING LEECH!" I snapped as tears fell down from my face as he continued to grin at me before something caught his attention.

"SHARKKK BITCHHHH!!!" A voice rang through the oceans as it was echoing above the surface. "How could he have found us." Genesis says to himself as I immediately realize who it is. "James!" I said as I could feel my heart rush and my smile form on my face. Genesis looks at me before he gets a look of realization. "You fucked him. Didn't you... that's why you keep mentioning him. It makes sense... I'll kill him." He said as his eyes crater black as his body ripped open into a gigantic shark man. "I'll kill him for good this time." He said as I try to open the cage as he bursts through the ceiling. He shifts into a shark for speed as his legs form into a tail. He shoots to the surface like a rocket as he was gone.

"Oh no... James!" I tried to scream out but could he even hear me?

James POV

"Guys... I don't think we're ready." Alx says as I ignore her. Me and Demetrius ready ourselves as we see something starting to come up from the water. "Aight bro. You just sit back and let me handle this." He says as I blink twice at him. "No." I said as Alx stands behind us. "I'm obviously stronger. So I should defeat him." He goes on as I start to grow aggravation. "Or... I kick his ass and you go save the Atlantis people." I tell him as he shakes his head no. "See. No. He's going to kick your ass. Therefore I should just fight him myself." Demetrius continues as I pushed him as he pushes me back. "How bout you both fight him at the same time." Alx says with a look of frustration. "No." We both look at her and say as we look back at each other and laugh.
"Idiots." She mumbles under her breath.

"Wolf." A voice huskily speaks as we turned our head to see Genesis standing there. And he looked pissed. "You Fucked MIA!" He snaps aggressively before charging at me as Demetrius pushes me out of the way hard. The two lock hands as they stare each other down. "Move." Genesis says as Demetrius pulls his arms in using his momentum to slam him down. "We haven't met yet. But I'm going to be the Dragon lord, which makes you beneath me Shark man." Demetrius says as I stand up and pushes him out of the way. "Round 2." I say as he starts to get back up on his feet. I transform into my wolf man form as we stare each other down. "This time I will kill you." He said. "Me too." I responded as we charge at each other.

Demetrius POV

I smirk and nod my head as I stand up. "What are you smiling about jump in." Alx says as she was about to step out. I put my arm out stopping her from going over. "He can handle himself. You'll only get in the way." I told her as she smacks my arm down. The two battle each other slamming each other down wrestling for dominance. "You have to help him. He'll die." She goes on as I turn my head to look at her.

"I'll only help him. If he asks for my help. Until then I'm not doing shit." I say as I fold my arms together as she stares at me before watching the fight. I've fought plenty of monsters. Ive won every time. So I'll let the wolf man get his one in. "No. We're wasting time watching." Alx says before I could grab her as she charges at the two men. The two was slamming each other down as Genesis was the one standing now. Genesis turned his head and grinned as he charged at Alx as she was running towards him. James's eyes widening as he gets up charging at Genesis tackling him down before he could attack Alx. James turns his head at her screaming a roar at her as she backs up.

The roar was so powerful it shook the rocks as the air stood still before continuing. "Eyes on me." Genesis said as James had let his guard down. He bit into his shoulder as he slammed him down on his neck. The bite left a wound that was barely healing. James had shifted back into his human body as the pain had finally kicked in. "Dammit Alx... Drogan tag in." He says as Genesis starts to move toward my injured friend. I charge at him as he focuses his attention on me now.

I feel the wings growing out of my back as my tail explodes out as well. My claws and teeth grew as I was in my third transformation now. The Red dragon of the sky form. I launch myself into the air as my wings flapped. I circle around him fast as I gain speed as I send a wind wave at him. He holds his arms up as he was barely moving from the attack. I take a deep breath spraying fire from my mouth as he falls back. He stumbles on his feet as he holds out his hand trying to defend from the attack.

He uses his free hand to manipulate the water behind him as he sends it clashing with my fire. He pushes the water harder as I breathe out hotter fire. Alx Jumps on his back scratching into his eye as he screams out in pain. She digs her claw into his eye as she cuts his eye as it rolls over by a rock. James finally gets up as he's holding his shoulder. Me and Genesis are having a power struggle as he's not letting the water go.

Smoke building up as I was starting to lose my vision as the smoke was flowing through the air. I couldn't see him. Splash. Alx was flung off him as she was thrown into the water. "Damn bitch! You took out my damn eye!" Genesis snapped as James started to approach him slowly. "Now you know how it feels." James said aggressively as I was finally starting to realize how his eye was missing. The reason we're fighting this monster in the first place. Genesis took something from James and Alx and now they want revenge.

Genesis lets out a loud scream as the ground shakes. He starts to manipulate water from the ocean sending a tidal wave knocking my fire out completely. Damn. What kind of monster are we fighting here. I've fought many things but this is something different. Something strong.

The smoke still clouding my vision as I started to flap my wings hard. The smoke clearing as Genesis leaped in the air grabbing my wings as I started to lose balance. I felt a sharp wince of pain as he bit down into my wings as he tore it off my back. I fell down hard crashing us both down as I shifted back into my human form. My back was in pain as I look over to see James had been knocked down as well. I start to get up as I was knocked back down as everything was pitch black now.

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