Bonding with a Ghost

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Yasmine POV

A week later

I was taking a shower when I heard a snicker as if someone was laughing. I had conditioner dripping down my face so I couldn't see and my ability to smell far away wasn't picking up anything. Maybe my imagination was playing tricks on me. I know James wasn't in the house because his stench smells like a dog. Even if he showers and washes himself up it wouldn't matter to those who are "monsters" he will always smell like a wet dog. "You know you have really nice titties." I quickly scrub my face as I could see Daiya in the shower with me. She wasn't getting wet and she was just standing in front of me.

"DAIYA WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed aggressively at her. I swing at her as my hand instantly hit nothing but air as she was a ghost. "Wow. So this is how you treat your sister in law." She says putting her hands on her hips. I stand there growing anger as I stare at the ghost of my boyfriends sister. "You can't do this." I tell her as she cocks her head to the side. "Girl. I'm dead. I can do what ever I want. Watch this!" She said poofing away as she left a ball of smoke and electricity as it turned into an ice cube.

"I am never going to get used to this." I sighed to myself finishing my shower as the lights flickered on and off. Poof. She was back as the bathroom smelt like Chinese food. I looked on the sink as she brought a whole bag of food. "Why did you bring food? You can't eat it remember." I said as she looked down at her feet before looking back up at me. "That's because it's for you." She said as I felt a bit of appreciation build up inside of me.

I wrap myself with a towel as I looked at her. "I wish I could hug you." I told her as she rolled her eyes. "Don't make this all emotional. It's me saying thank you for letting me stay with you." She said as she played with her hair. "You know it's a lot of dead people in these woods." She said to me as I was chowing down on the food not listening to what she was saying anymore.

"Where's James?" She asked as I looked up at her. "You could always teleport to him like you always do." I insisted hoping she would leave me alone as I eat. "No. I want to hear it from you." She replied back as I sighed before looking down on my phone. Daiya looked at me before rolling her eyes as she poof disappeared.

I had got a message from Castor. He wanted me to come back to the castle to check in. He would do this every month to make sure I was okay. But really he was making sure James hadn't hurt me. They were still upset with me imprinting on a werewolf, even after a year had past. Castor was my brothers and I protector although we never needed his protection. I used my super speed to get dressed as I put on a red jacket, some black jeans, and some converse.

Poof. "Where you going Yasmine?" Daiya asked popping back up. "Shit. DAIYA. Fuck." I said as she scared me as I had to catch my breath. "I'm going to my Father's castle at the Eternal realm." I told her as I was about to make a portal. "Can I come?" She asked as I shook my head no. "My people don't take kindly to ghosts Daiya." I told her as she shrugged. "But I'm not just any ghost." She said as she started to look scared. "You still think the Grim reaper is coming after you huh." I said laughing a little as she was serious. "Yasmine. I know what I saw. I felt it. And you should be worried too. Last I check he was inside of you." She said as I touch my stomach as if i had a baby kicking.

"Don't leave me here." Daiya said as I spin my arm around in a circle as fast as lightning. The portal was starting to build up as the Eternal realm was just on the other side. "Fine. Just don't do anything that'll get you sent to a limbo." I told her. "What's that?" She asked as the room started to feel cold from the portal. "A limbo is... you'll be stuck in a dimension until your released by supposedly God. But since we are beings such as supernatural we have no acceptance in heaven or hell." I explained as we stepped into the portal. The portal closed behind us as I walked into the castle with Daiya. "I thought God was forgiving. I didn't asked to be a werewolf when I was alive." Daiya stated as my father walked up to me.

"Daughter." He said firmly not smiling or even showing a sign of love for me. My brother followed by him as he hugged me. "Yasmine." He said hugging me tighter. "Ajax." I responded as I used my super strength to squeeze him back just as tight. "Well this is awkward." Daiya said standing there. "First you bring a werewolf to our castle. Now you have brought a Ghost. "She'll soon be your In law so I advise you to watch how you speak about her." I said to him as his fangs grew from his mouth.

I wasn't backing down so I let mine pierce out as well. Ajax stands in between us putting his hand on my shoulder. "Father. Sister. Mom wouldn't be happy about you two arguing every damn second you see each other." He said as I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder. "Why would our father care? He's the reason she's dead." I said as I walk pass the two adult males as Daiya followed me.

"Castor." I say as he smiles at me once we meet. "Your hair has grown longer. How have you been?" Castor asked as Daiya disappeared while we were talking as I realized it minutes later. "Damn it Daiya." I said to myself as Castor noticed I was looking around. "I have to find Her." I told him as he nodded. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find her. I used my super speed to sprint around the whole castle but I couldn't find her.

I come to a stop as I hear my father talking to Thanatos. I stood outside the doorway as I listen in. "Your daughter is here? Why didn't you inform me." Thanatos said in a relaxing tone as my father hissed. "She is not my daughter." He stained words so hurtful that it hit me mentally. How could he turn his back on me. "I have no daughter. And if she ever meets my path again I'll slay her where she stands." He hissed as I felt emotionally tired of arguing with him.

I sped off running to the entrance of the castle as I was about to make a portal back to Earth. Poof. "You were going to leave me here?" Daiya says as she finally appeared. I didn't know I was crying as Daiya looked at me knowingly. "Hey. Forget him. Let's go." She said as I nodded sniffing and wiping my eyes as we went back to Earth.

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