The funeral

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James POV

Everyone is in mourning as I look over at my grandma she's taking it harder than anyone else. She always had Daiya in her prayers and now it's too late. Yasmine holds onto my arm as I give her a slight smile as she rubs my knuckles. "I'm sorry about your sister..." before she can go any further I stop her holding her hand In mine. "Don't be sorry. Daiya would've got in my way eventually." I tell her as she looks at me with disbelief. "What are you saying James?" She asked me as I look over to see Ava as she looks over at me. "I'm going to kill Derek, the hunters, and any creature out there that defy me." I tell her as she nods her head as I focus back on the funeral.

The hardest part was that I had to watch my little sister get buried in the ground. I feel numb to all this especially the pain it just breaks me down. All the family were gathered around and talking once Daiya was beneath us. It hurt like hell to even think about her not being by my side right now. Yasmine was talking to my grandmother as I was looking at the gold plated coffin. "It's not your fault." I heard a voice behind me say as I looked at Ava. "I lost a lot Ava. My mom. My dad. My grandfather... and now my sister." I said swallowing sorrow. "Going out and killing everyone want bring her back." She says as I look around to make sure no one is around us.

"I'm not." I tell her as she stares me down. "Bullshit James. I can see it in your eyes." She says as Yasmine approaches us as Ava sticks her nose up. "You okay Daddy?" Yasmine asked me as I nodded my head. "Oh please. James who is this bootleg fairytale princess?" Ava asked folding her arms and rolling her eyes as I growl at her warning her not to push me today. "You know what. Fine. I hate you James. I really do." Ava says turning her heels and walking towards my grandma picking up a conversation with her instead.

"Who was she?" Yasmine asked i could sense the jealousy rising by her tone. "My ex." I tell her as she hisses lowly but I could still hear her. We were now eating with the family as everyone had moved on from my sisters death once they stuffed they face. Carrying conversations and pretending to like each other just like when my grandad died. I hate them. All of them. When this is all done in over each one will know how much they are weak. "James." My grandma says approaching me and Yasmines table as she sits with us. It's almost like I was waiting for Daiya to pop up out of nowhere and sit with us.

My heart hurt. My eyes begin to water as I rub my eye in my sleeve. "You okay baby?" Yasmine asked me as my grandma looked at me concerned. "I'm fine." I tell her before I stand up as I walk to the bathroom. I splash water in my face as I look in the mirror. I start to hear a voice in my head that sounded similar to Daiya. "I'm okay big brother. Everything is peaceful here. The deceased wolves from before keep me company." It's almost like she's telling me there is no heaven or hell for us. Seems like we're cursed to roam in our wolf bodies in the afterlife.

I walk out the bathroom as I go back to my table. "How did you two meet?" My grandma asked Yasmine as she looks stuck for words as I step in. "I got something to tell you." I say as I sit down as they both look at me. I run my finger through Yasmines long black curly hair as I look at my grandma. "Yasmines a vampire." I say as my grandma looks at me confused waiting for me to say I'm joking. But I'm not. "I'm a werewolf." I say as Yasmine looks at me angrily as I look at her with eyes that say oh well. "Are you high?" My grandma asked me as I shake my head no.

"We met when i found her escaping this mansion design to keep people like us isolated." I tell my grandma as she's trying to process it all in her mind. "James." Yasmine says coldly. "She has to know." I say to Yasmine as she shakes her head at me putting her face in her arms. "I'm the princess of Aeson. The king of vampires from the second realm between earth and creatures." Yasmine says as the person playing the piano starts to tune it louder causing my sensitive hearing to irritate.

"So you healed me that day... that's one of your abilities?" My grandmother asked me as her big brown eyes looked at me with questions. I continued to explain to her about how me and Daiya became werewolves.

That whole afternoon we stood in silence not saying a word. It was finally over as me and Yasmine headed to her Jeep. Before I could get in the passenger seat Ava was in my way leaning on her car. "Hey Jamie." She says as I look at her puzzled as a pale man appears by her side as if he teleported. He was fast. Yasmine looked at me as if all she needed was my say so. Don't get me wrong Yasmine can kick ass but something just seemed off about this. Ava opened her mouth to reveal fangs from her teeth before hiding them back. "Yea that's right bitch." Ava says to Yasmine as Yasmine was about to grab her but I held her back. "What did you do?" I asked her feeling jealousy as the guy stood about 6'5 as he stared me down.

He was a bald headed white man with silver eyes as he wore a hoodie. I wanted to punch him in his teeth as he wrapped his armed around Ava. I know this couldn't be real love... she was trying to make me jealous. How could I have not seen this coming? Ava a vampire. "What did you do." I said my voice coming off as a growl as my eyes glowed red as he smirked at me. Dirty Bastard.

"Simple. I came in her life. Gave her attention. Gave her what you couldn't and wouldn't give, I bit her and now she's even stronger than me. But most importantly I gave her this lovin." He says as his words pierced my skull as i feel my eye twitch as Yasmine notices as her heart beat drops from the pain of me caring. "I don't care." I say as her heart returns to its pace. From what I learned about vampires is that they're not dead, they're infected. That's why they still having a beating heart. "Whatever. We will see you two later. Oh and try not to get yourself killed James. I would hate to have to bury you next to Daiya." Ava says as I grow annoyed as they disappear instantly as I sighed to myself as Yasmine got in the Jeep. I was in the vehicle just as she was as we rolled out in silence.

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