Andrew's Curse

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Andrew was an actor. He spent most of his days in a hotel room reading lines from his script as he would stay in character. He would sometimes watch the protesters rallying in the streets chanting. He found them amusing. He never got into racism or politics he was a man of minding his own business. He met a woman named Angelina and she was the most beautiful woman he had ever witnessed. They met on a movie the two were filming.

Every man charmed their way to her as she shrugged them all off. She wanted the man who didn't pay any attention to her. Andrew Cadwell. He stood about 6ft tall and stayed in a suit. You couldn't catch him not wearing one. And she liked that. So one day she made her way onto him and he took her out on a date. Not really interested in her he just decided to take her wherever he would go. And that made her fall in love with him even more. Andrew took Angelina to a baseball game which she knew nothing about. She just wanted to be around him.

What nobody knew was one of the two players were vampires. So the pitcher had thrown the ball with all his strength as the batter swung even harder. No human being was going to catch that. It was over before it had even started. BAM. The ball hit Angelina in her face. She didn't have a chance to duck or dodge because she was too focused on watching Andrew. Her face exploded within impact. Everyone screamed and ran around trying to exit the stands. Her faceless corpse slumped on Andrews shoulder as he sat there.

It took the police to arrive to finally get him to move. He was stuck and traumatized. The directors cancelled the movie and the cast blamed him for Angelinas death. He wanted revenge. He wanted to make them all suffer. Even the ones responsible for Angelinas death. A year past and he finally found the people responsible for her death. Thinking they were regular people he confronted them. They laughed and dragged him behind the back of a drug store. He never stood a chance. "You'll have to kill me." He told them as that was their intentions. But the serious one had a change of plans. He took his fangs out and bit inside of his neck. Andrew blacked out and they took him back to the Castle of the Eternal realm.


Andrew Cadwell became a notorious killer, the vampires in the castle were calling him the merchant of Death. It all started with an axe. The vampire lords Aeson and Thanatos made sure he would be a Slave to them. At first they allowed him to kill anyone he desired. He would go for the teenage females. Seducing them taking them home only to Axe them down in their head. He would bring the bodies back to the castle and the vampires would feast. blood for days. What could go wrong?

He started to become a problem as he was over feeding the castle. The population in California started to go through an immediate decrease. Missing people were all everyone were talking about. Being King of the Vampires Aeson made a treaty to not kill humans any more such as long as he drew breath. Andrew saw this as an opportunity to kill the king and take his throne. Yasmine saw his intentions and immediately stopped him. Yasmine was gaining reputation as she was heir and was becoming a warrior. She didn't want to be a princess she wanted to kill bad people. Human or monster.

Yasmine and Andrew would brawl in front of the king for his amusement. She would win. Every time. So he got fed up. Tired of fighting her. Shes been doing this for years, to him it wasn't even a advantage or a fair fight. But Yasmine defeated him in battle as he was forced to bow before the princess. He threw dirt in her eyes as she panicked not being able to see. He started to chop her head off as the king stepped into the battle. Aeson was furious. He tried to kill Yasmine while her sword was down.

He ordered him to be executed. Yasmine who had been battling him for years now didn't see justice in that. But of course Father wasn't going to listen to his daughter this time. She made a deal with her father that he could live if he brung more judgement to the castle. Whether it be human or monster. If they deserved the punishment they would die. Aeson agreed to her plan knowing his daughter would be the better slayer. But he was wrong. Thanatos was impressed. He swore Andrew was the better killer. It was a slow progress but he slay beast from different worlds. Monsters, demons, ghouls, and most importantly humans. He told the castle that humans were the biggest monsters of them all.

And soon everyone was agreeing. Yasmine who had only slain humans had stopped her killing and the judgement. She started to have a change of heart before killing a man. He told her he had a son that he would miss. So Yasmine couldn't find it in her heart to do it. No matter how many man she seduced to kill them she knew it was wrong. She dropped her sword and left him to be killed by Andrew. She stopped but Andrew just kept killing. He had a blood lust that needed to be satisfied. The king awarded him the better killer and told him that Yasmine would be his successor if he was ever to fall.


Many years Yasmine and Andrew battled with each other training as she could feel something was changing in Him. Then since she was supposedly suppose to be his successor. He showed her a technique he learnt he could do. He could control the elements. He manipulated fire around his body as she watched astonished. He then learnt how to use his hand as a cannon. Blasting air so powerful out of his palm that it could kill an opponent. With this new power he possessed he just knew he could kill the king. And he was right. He could.

Thanatos had other plans as he allowed the two adults to fight once Andrew enter the throne room. The king put up a good fight but was outmatched as he couldn't manipulate elements. Andrew being the cocky arrogant man he was he started talking too much, monologuing. Thanatos chopped his head off once Andrew let his guard down. Aeson told Thanatos to send him to the Spirit Domain. So he listened putting a curse on Andrews soul sending him to the spirit world. "He cannot be killed by mortal hands but by spirit alone. For he is already dead but his soul will know hunger. He who was hungry to kill before death shall be kill If he doesn't after." Those were the exact words of Thanatos.

And that is how Death was created.

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