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                                              R O O H

We live in a world where lies are prioritised, where people take their obsession to another level. Where a girl is so scared to talk to their family about her issues, about her stalker. Here, if a girl rejects a boy, a corner of her is scared that the boy will get crazy and harm her.

Today's case was similar, where a girl was almost beaten to death by her ex boyfriend. She was lucky that some netizens saw her and saved her from her boyfriend or else she would have lost her life.

I got goosebumps when I saw her, her eyes swollen, nose and lips were bleeding and she got stitches on her jaw, head and on palm. I still remember that pain and fear in her eyes and God knows why but a part of me is freaking up thinking about myself.
How cruel it is, that someone can cross every line to harm the person they once loved and adored.

What if someday, I am lying on this bed or maybe lying on my deathbed, with people crying around me, mourning my death. After all I too have a stalker. Will someone cry if I die?

I scrubbed my hand even more, ignoring the glares from the people passing by. Apart from the smell of handwash, all I could smell was medicine.  Sometimes this anxiety scares me but not more than that stalker. What if he kills me? Or beats me until I am not able to lift myself?

A hand pulled me as I looked at her. "What the fuck are you doing Rooh?" Trisha's eyes move from my hand to my face.

She is breathing heavily and so am I.  I turned towards the washbasin, jerked my hand off her hold and continued washing my hands as if Trisha didn't stop me a moment ago.

My brain is eating myself and damn–
A force pushed me away from the washbasin and I glared at Trisha who had pity and anger both in her eyes.

I don't need her pity. Don't pity me. "I will slap you if you dare to touch water again" She walks towards me and holds my hand in her. Her eyes turned soft "Don't cry please and talk to me. I really want to know what's wrong with you. Do you think this action of yours doesn't scare me? It does Rooh"

"Trisha–" My eyes moved from the female figure to the reflection of the mirror and I found tears streaming down my eyes. My eyes have turned red so is my face. "Yes, I am here"

"I n-need to talk to you"

I need to share everything with someone or I will hurt myself and I don't want to do that. No way. So I told her everything, everything about how that stalker is actually a stalker and not a prank or something and I am receiving texts after 3.5 months.

She hugs me. "I am so sorry you had to go through so much Rooh" I hugged her back. "He threatened me not to talk to anyone about this so please, please don't talk to anyone about this Trish," She nodded and pulled away.

"We need to file a case against him, we can't sit and wait for him to harm you or your family" She passed me a glass filled with water and I grabbed it with shaky hands.

"You should talk to Vidyut, I trust he won't judge you" What if he will judge me like everyone else? What if he throws some bullshit on me like Papa said when he got to know about my boyfriend in highschool? What if I am at fault according to him? "You said your relationship is growing, that you both talk like friends..so trust me Rooh. Talk to him"

Yes, our relationship is growing but I am still scared if he will judge me like Papa. I know Vidyut isn't like Papa, he has never hurt me. "He won't judge you. Okay?"

I nodded, my hands were still trembling. "I will talk to him. These days he is busy with some mess in his company, so I will talk to him on Saturday. I hope he will be free that day" She puts her hands on my shoulder, making me look at her.

Rooh: his replaced brideWhere stories live. Discover now