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Bonus chapter one 🌶️ is out on ScrollStack and remember that it has mature content  so, read it on your risk. 🥸

Don't forget to read the promo 😼 at the end of this chapter.

Dropping the link of Bonus chapter 1 on my conversation board and on my Instagram story.


8 months later

"No, you better not have anything sweet. Stay away from sugar. Once your tests are completed successfully. I promise I will give you chocolate." I said to the little girl.

As much as my heart breaks looking at her, I am determined to make sure her surgery goes well. "We are friends, you remember that?" She asked.

"Of course, I do, now sleep for some time," I said and she nodded. I turned my gaze to look at her parents, who were looking at me. "Don't worry, your daughter's condition isn't serious. She will be fine." I said and turned to look at Trisha standing in the hallways, but her eyes were too occupied.

I stepped out of the door, shutting the door behind me and I walked towards her only to notice her looking at Abhinav, this bastard took the help of his father and got shifted to our hospital.

Now that we were JR, so the load of work was quite a lot that these days I don't get to spend a lot of time with Vidyut. Though Vidyut himself is busy with the company, he had to go to Australia for some work.

It's been four days since I haven't looked at him. Video calls are exceptional. "This bastard.." Trisha murmured to herself before turning her gaze at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing, I just asked Abhinav to teach me a little, but he seems to be a busy human." Trisha sighed and rang her fingers into her hair. Her engagement ring sparkled under the sunlight. "Let's go, Rooh, I will drop you home on my way."

I was about to speak when my phone vibrated because of a message and I looked at it.

Abhinav: Do not go with my fiancée, Please Rooh.
I chuckled and looked at Trisha who was giving me side eyes.

"Is it Vidyut?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, he must be attending a meeting or must be sleeping," I said, earning a nod from her. "Well Trish, I have some work so you can go home alone."

"No way, I will drop you home."

"It's personal, Trisha, so let me go and you go alone. Bye." I quickly rushed away from her. Finally, after a month, I got early leave, and it does feel good, but I miss him.

His hugs, his kisses, his voice. Everything about him.

I looked at the parking area where Vidyut usually parks his car, and it's empty today. It must be nighttime there. He must be sleeping, but I am going to wake him up.

I pulled out my phone and was about to dial him when a familiar car horn made me lift my face and my eyes met with his car. No, I am missing him, that's the reason I feel every horn and car is his.

A car was parked at the spot where Vid parked his car, the door of the car opened, and a man stepped outside. Vidyut? I blinked my eyes twice to confirm that it was him.

As soon as our eyes met, a smile formed on his face. He is wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans, even that makes him look like a runaway model. I crossed the road and took hurried steps towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck as he hugged me.

Rooh: his replaced brideWhere stories live. Discover now