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                                           R O O H

Ten days have passed since I told him everything, and I feel as if I am back to myself, not completely. It isn't like I am not scared of that Stalker, but My thoughts are filled with a few things, like why do I feel secure around him? Why am I relieved after talking to him? And most importantly, why is he so good towards me? I told him about Dadi's plot, and he promised me that he will get it back to me.

About my stalker, I know he is looking for me and Vidyut is after him.

Vidyut and I have been talking a lot these days. He is still in darkness, I need to talk to him about my reason for marrying him, it makes me feel selfish. It feels like I am using him and I would rather not do that. Not when he was there for me at my worst.

“Can you hear me?” I asked the patient who went through surgery. “Yes, I can hear.” A smile appeared on my face. “You are doing well.” I say, making her smile. “Now rest well,”

“Hey Rooh." Trisha gives a slap on my back, making me hiss. “Why do you always hit me?” I turned to look at her.
“When did I hit you?”
“Just now.” I say, walking out of the ward. “How?” I paused on my step and gave a slap across her back.

“Kill me bro, this isn't done. How can you hit me.” she says, cleansing her back? “Like I hit just now.” She rolled her eyes.

“Bro, these two people are looking at you.” I looked at two muscular men. It's illogical how Vidyut made two guards look after me.

“They won't disturb you, they will stand apart from you like patients and just look at you.”

This is what he said when I questioned him. I simply said that it doesn't make sense because the Stalker wanted to, he would do anything by distinguishing as a patient or anyone.

“They won't. These guys are trained for situations like this and Co-operate with me before I put an army of bodyguards behind you.”

“Can't do anything.” I say. Trisha waves at them, but they ignore her like Air. I wonder how our Hospital gave permission to Vidyut. Did he bribe them? Or threaten them? Or maybe both.

Trisha held my hand, making me stop on my way and turning my gaze to meet her. “Can you talk to Vidyut's brother about me?” I roll my eyes. Even since she accidentally saw Vihaan's picture on Instagram, she has been acting like this.

“Want me to talk to your father that uncle your daughter is planning to marry Someone behind your back.” A voice from behind comes, making us turn out to find Abhinav.

He is in scrubs and a Stethoscope around his neck. He probably came from the OT. “Do that, and I will teach my Junior's Anatomy on your body.” Trisha replied. Sometimes it's fun to see them bickering, but not always.

Abhinav takes a few steps towards us-no, towards Trisha. “Guys do not dare to create a scene here, we have patients around.” Abhinav stops a step away from Trisha and bends over her ear to whisper something that made her blush. She blushed. Ohmygod ohmygod.

"You are freaking crazy.” I heard Trisha murmured before Abhinav stood straight. A smirk formed on his lips. “Hey Rooh, You look pretty.” I nod, too shocked from how Trisha's face has turned Red.

“Thank you Senior.” I say and Abhinav walks away. Trisha cursed him under her Breath, and I turned my attention back to her. “What's going on between you two? Did he probably get your Dark romance collection?” I said jokingly, and her eyes widened, and a red hue covered her cheeks.

“What? Unbelievable.” I took a few big steps away from her. “Hey Rooh."

“You traitor,” I yelled back.

Rooh: his replaced brideWhere stories live. Discover now