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To my ScrollStack readers, chapter 42 is out. In which Rooh and Vidyut are going to have a perfect date which gave me butterflies while writing. I need a guy like Vidyut (cries in pain)

Don't forget to read the promo at the end of this chapter. I am dropping two promos because we hit 2 MILLION on Rooh.

Dropping the link on my conversation board and on my Instagram story. (Ig: talethatneverends)

T H E   S T A L K E R

“You know, I never planned to hurt her. I simply asked you to put cameras in her villa, but you–you gave her an overdose of anesthesia. She has got two stitches on her head because of you, Rakshit.”

Rakshit, my blood-related family member, wiggles in the chair, but that's useless because the more he tries to wiggle, the more that rope will dig into his skin. “I wanted to gift you her.” He yelled.

“I didn't ask for it. I know how I have to get my bird, you were not supposed to use your bean-sized brain.” My voice darkened, and Sweat beads formed on his forehead, making him gulp. “Save me. The police are after me, my posters are all over the country. You are my only hope.”

I was in India when I saw a post on social media. On her social media. I was sure she was in Italy, but I wasn't sure about her location until a few days later, some media people leaked the news. That Vidyut and Rooh attended a business party together and that's how I got to know about her location.

Since Rakshit was in Italy, I asked him to put cameras in her villa and I would handle the CCTV cameras. I have zero knowledge about Hacking, so I hired a man in Italy to do this work for me. But after I got to know about what stunt Rakshit pulled out, I did a good thing and that was to reveal his face. After all, he deserves a punishment for what he did to my bird.

I would have killed him and used his heart as my masterpiece, but what if I use him? It's been almost eight days since Rooh took a discharge, and then I came across the news. The news about her stalker, unfortunately, a camera caught Rakshit's back view, but it was me who revealed his face. “Correct. Since we have the same blood running inside our veins, I can help you. After we are a family, so-”

I circled his chair. Keeping my hand on his shoulder and made him flinch. “So you have to go through pain because as a family we can die but- I am not cruel, so I am asking you to go through pain. Just a little.”

He thinks I won't know how he stole her phone number and texted her. Poor him. “Police will catch you, but I am here. I will set you free only if you tolerate them for a few days.”

“How can I trust you?”

“Do you have any other way?” I kept my hand on his fresh wound, pressing it, so I could feel peace by hearing his screams. “D-don't. Don't d-do this. P-please.”

I smile. “So trust me, I will set you free. Remember, we are a family.”


Two weeks have passed since we came back from Italy. We are staying in Udaipur. After Vidyut and I explained everything to our family, Maa has been giving me head massages. Papa has increased the security level and Vidyut hugs me closest to himself every night.

Vidyut's Aunt was rude to me in the initial days when I got married to Vidyut but now she has been sweet to me. Even if fourteen days have passed, I still can't get over those terrifying nights. I can still feel his touches all over my body and no matter how many times I scrub my body, I can't get rid of it.

Rooh: his replaced brideWhere stories live. Discover now