Extended Epilogue Three

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To paid readers, the last chapter of Extended Epilogue is out on ScrollStack and You are going to know about the gender of the baby, name and some happy moments.

Link is available on my conversation board and Instagram story.

No spoilers today!!


“Just send me mail, I will check it out,” I said to the person opposite to the call and hung up. My eyes landed on time. I am late again, it's almost midnight. I was supposed to be home by 8 at night but I was late because of the meeting set up at the last moment, and then we ended up with a business dinner.

Me: Rayaan, ask Mr. Mehta to drop the progress chart by tomorrow evening.

My gaze moved from my phone towards the main gate. The car roared too dull as we accelerated inside the drive-thru. The car stopped at the entrance of the house and I slid down.

Walking inside the house, my eyes caught the attention of her. She is sitting on the couch with a book on her lap and another one on the table. “You should have slept,” I said and removed the coat.

A smile creeped on my face when I saw her eyes shut, she fell asleep while studying. I tiptoed and kept my coat on the couch then, removed the book from her lap and slowly lifted her. These days her health isn't good and according to her, it's because of stress and overwork which is giving me stress.

Rooh wrapped her arms around my neck and murmured something. “You're back?”

“Yes, who else gets to touch you?” 

“Yes,” I looked at her and her eyes were still shut. “Did you eat?” She asked, and I hummed in response.

“Did you?” I asked and she nodded.

“I ate twice, or maybe thrice.” I smiled and carefully placed her on the bed, covering her from the blankets. “Sleep well,” I ruffled her hair and she didn't respond, probably because she fell asleep again.

I was about to leave when she held my wrist. “I missed you. I waited for you.” I kept my hand on her. “I will be back in five minutes.” She hummed and left my hand.



“Why would he do that? If he had loved her, he would have taken proper care of her rather than running away. I seriously regret choosing this book.” I said and slammed the book gently.

“What happened?” Vidyut who just walked outside the bathroom says. “Trisha said that this book is so good, and I thought she was being genuine, but that pig stabbed me. This is not at all worth it.” Vidyut nods, drying his hair with the towel while his eyes are on me.

“Why would she do that?” He asked, and I parted my lips to speak, but words couldn't make its way out because I knew why Trish would do that.

How do I tell him that I complained to Abhinav about her, and she was scolded by him, so as a token of appreciation she did this? “Jaan?” I hummed in response.

“Exactly, why would she do that? In fact, you know these days I don't prefer reading Dark Romance, but this girl suggested to me the worst dark romance ever. Should I call her?” Vidyut placed the towel on the chair and walked towards me.

He smells like body wash and mine. “It's already late.” I moved my gaze from him to the wall clock, which shows 10 at night. Vidyut walks towards the drawer. “It's not that late, plus she needs to pay for suggesting this to me.” Just when I was about to get up from the bed, Vid hugged me from behind, his hands lying on mine and his head buried in my neck.

Rooh: his replaced brideOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora