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                                          V I D Y U T

Nothing has ever pierced my heart before like I felt right now. Like I felt when I saw blood dripping down from her palm. She didn't look at me, but I could feel her mixed emotions. She was angry, sad and terrified.

I knew Rooh isn't the one she makes everyone believe she is. She is indeed brave but broken at the same time. And when her puffy red eyes met mine, all I knew was she needed me by her side.
She needs someone who would hear her when she speaks, so I stayed quiet and listened to her. 

How do I console her?
Every single word left a pain in my chest. I don't pity her, but I pity her parents for never understanding their daughters.
I feel bad for Shivangi too.

“Do you think it's easy? It's not that I have been begging my parents to love, but they never did that…at this point of my life..It doesn't hurt that they are rude to me. It hurt when he decided to take away my only source of happiness. The fact that my family member hurts me more than that creep is suffocating.” 

Her happiness. I promise I won't let anyone snatch away your happiness. No one is entitled to hurt you, not even me, and I will make sure everyone suffers who hurts you. I won't go easy on anyone, including your father.

She cried and I stood up. “Be here, I am going to get some water for you.” She didn't say anything, her eyes that were half shut a minute ago were closed now.
She slept.

“D-don't go, please–” A hand grips my wrist. Her hold is tight, making her nails dig into my wrist. She opens her bloodshot eyes. Sweat forms on her forehead and she breaths heavily.

“Don't. He said he was going to c-chase me and catch me and then trap me in his cage. He says he is my o-owner.” Who is she talking about? I sat beside her.

“He said he will harm y-you, so please be safe. I won't be able to handle it if something happens to y-you.” She hiccups and tears stream continuously from her eyes.

My eye twitched as I took her hand in mine. “Who are you talking about? Is someone hurting you? Tell me?” I began to run my hand on her head as her eyes slowly began to shut as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“H-he says he owns me. Vidyut." Her words are more like whispers.

“No one owns you, You aren't an object, Mrs. Suryawanshi.” A sob left her mouth as she wrapped her arms around my waist. “Don't l-leave m–” 

“Never.” I replied, brushing her hair.
A part of me is angry that she didn't inform me about this earlier, but then a part says that our relationship hasn't reached a point where she would trust me, not when I promised to ruin her.

My eyes moved from her broken phone to her sleeping figure. I know it's not good to look at someone's phone without their concern, but I don't care because I need to know everything. The screen of her phone is broken and it's destroyed. I still have many questions and only one person can answer them.
Rooh herself.

“Don't. He said he was going to c-chase me and catch me and then trap me in his cage. He says he is my o-owner.”

Owner? I am going to beat the shit out of him so that he will forget whether he is alive or dead, and yet, I won't stop hitting him, I am going to make him cry tears of Blood. That son of a fucker.

I pulled out my phone and texted Rayaan. I know it's not good to disturb him since he has a family, but I can't help myself.

Me: "Rayaan, did you search for the person who bought Rooh's plot?”

Rooh: his replaced brideWhere stories live. Discover now