chapter 13: in it for you

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Mine~> 6 months pregnant

"Neha Hoque?" I hear a faint voice say.

Blinking a few times I open my eyes, dazed.

Where the hell am I?

Yallah, please don't let this be another nightmare.

"Neha?" A female voice says again but this time louder and clearer.

Confused and tired, I turn my head to the side and the other side and everywhere.

I'm in the hospital, I mentally say.

Taking in the dull walls and the fact that I'm hooked up to an IV drip.

"Neha can you hear me? I'm doctor Khan." The woman says again with a small smile.

Her hair is in a bun and her glasses are black rimmed.

"Yeah- yes I can hear you." I reply, timidly.

"That's good, Neha. Do you remember why you're here?" She replies.

Trying to recollect my memory, nothing really comes up but the part where I was last in Hala's house.

"Uh... no, I can't really remember anything." I reply, feeling the side of my head ache with pain.

Her smile widens with sympathy before she says, "You were attacked by your ex husband, I think. It's been 2 weeks since."

Zayan attacked me?

I thought I went home fine?

Quickly recollecting memories of the baby.

My baby girl.

My hand flies over my stomach as I ask, "Is she okay? My baby? Is my baby okay?"

Blinking, her face begins to fall.

"Oh no, no, no! She survived! She's fine right? Please Allah don't let my baby die." I frantically say, tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

"No, no, your babies are fine Neha!" Doctor Khan quickly reassures me, putting a hand over mine.

Letting out a breath of relief, I let the tears fall.



Did she just say babies?

"Sorry, did you say babies? As in more than one?" I quickly ask, sitting up on the hospital bed.

"Yes, Neha you're pregnant with twin girls." She replies with a small smile.


"But I..." I say looking down at my belly.

"I take it you didn't know?" She asks, her head dipping to the side.

"Uh- no, I was told that I was pregnant with a baby girl." I reply, blinking.

"Well that was probably a big shock to you but these things sometimes go undetected." She says, nodding.

Looking at my face, she continues on. "Sometimes twins develop their own individual sacs, but when they share one, it increases the likelihood that one twin could be hiding during an early ultrasound."

Ya rabb, I didn't even realise.

"So what you're saying is that for the past 5 months I was pregnant with twins but one was basically...hiding?" I ask her.

"Well, in a nutshell. Yes." She replies, nodding.

Taking all the information in, I rest both my hands on my stomach.

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