chapter 14: only for her

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Still reeling from the fact that she said yes, I walk to my little brothers house.

"Did you ask her?" Khalil asks as I walk into his house, Elias and Samir already inside as Noor went to see Neha at the hospital.

"What did she say?" Samir asks, getting up from the sofa.

"Nobody can say no to my boy, have you seen him!" Elias replies, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Well guys, she did in fact agree to marry me." I respond, causing them all to cheer with joy.

"I know that's right." Samir says with a wide smile.

"My brothers off the market finally." Khalil says, pulling me in for a hug.

"Damn, am I the only one left then?" Elias asks, making us all erupt in laughter.

"It all happens at the right time, Elias. Allah has the best plan for you." I reply a few moments later.

"In'Sha'Allah, Haadi." He replies with a grin.

1 hour later, Hala calls to tell me that Neha will have to stay in the hospital for another day.

"I thought she was getting discharged today?" I ask, confused.

"She was supposed to but her blood pressures been high so they're keeping her here in case." She replies, sighing.

"Okay, In'Sha'Allah nothing bad happens. I'll be at the hospital in 20." I respond before hanging up.

"I'm gonna go back to the hospital guys, Asalamulaikum." I tell the others, getting up from the sofa.

Arriving at the hospital 20 minutes later, I see Noor, her parents, Hala, Imaan and Baba.

I was still supposed to tell Neha that Zayan had been put in prison since he attacked her but I knew that it was obviously too much for now so we all settled that we should tell her when she gets discharged.

Walking into Neha's room with Noor, Imaan and Hala already in there I clear my throat.

"So you're having a baby boy?" Neha asks Noor.

"Found out last week but you're having twin girls!" She squeals back with excitement.

"And my besties are marrying my brothers." Hala adds, grinning at me.

Shyly lowering my gaze to the ground.

"Yes, we need to plan everything and your wedding dress! My weddings happening next month with the Nikkah and everything so we're probably gonna have it at the same time." Imaan says with a smile.

"That's umm- what I wanted to talk to Haadi about actually." Neha replies, causing my brows to quirk up.



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