Six - Zeus

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Fucking idiot. The translator was in his pouch the whole time and she didn't understand a goddamn word he said to her. It was all because of Brock that Tati even had the translator in her ear now.

When he saw her...

All the dreams, the nights when he woke up in a cold sweat, picturing this woman, he'd been afraid to even think about her. Zeus felt a need to find her. One that he'd been fighting for six months and now she was here and in his arms.

And he kissed her.

He didn't even care whether Brock or Apollo saw the massive hard-on pressed against the top of his pants. Of course, he wanted her. He was attracted to her. There was something trying to lead him to her this whole time. Something telling him that his mate was on Wolfeen and he needed to find her. Zeus didn't believe it because he'd never dreamed of Mia before they met. Their courtship was commonplace among their people, but Tati was different.

Maybe it was something to do with the hybrids. When their mate was on the planet, their DNA sensed it and started trying to bring them together. A knowing somewhere deep inside that the other half of his soul was here.

Zeus didn't want to believe it. He'd never even heard of a Wolfeen dreaming about their mate before they met. But as soon as he caught her scent and rounded the corner into the office and saw her beside the window, he knew it.

She was his mate and now that he had her; he wasn't letting her go. He didn't give a damn if she wanted to go back to Earth. Sam could give her the serum and she would learn how to live with the heat. Zeus would be there every day and night to satiate her fevered needs.

"We'll be right up," Zeus said.

His voice hoarse from the kiss he shared with Tati.


Her name tasted like a prayer on his tongue he hadn't even known existed in this time or place. What was he going to do?

Khole and Erika were the first two hybrids they found. They were adapting to life on Wolfeen. That was all fine. But what about Webb?

That bitch was scouring the planet looking for those two, and now there was a third hybrid in her crosshairs.

Zeus swallowed, his hands drifting around Tati's shoulders as he pulled her closer. Instead of taking her with him upstairs, he placed his fingers beneath her chin, tipping her head up to look at him again. He'd poured his heart out to her, and she didn't even know what he was telling her. It was for the best, most likely. Tati didn't need to know everything right now. It was bad enough she was wondering why he'd kissed her like he had.

She was afraid and confused here, and he'd done nothing to ease that fear at all. Instead, Zeus strong armed his way in, grabbed her and kissed her.

What kind of barbarian she must have thought he was. But she kissed him back. He could still taste her on his lips. His tongue flicked out instinctively for another taste before hearing voices moving up the stairwell.

"We should get to the jet," Zeus said, taking her hand this time to lead her out of the office. Zeus stopped at the door and turned back. "Wait... uhm, do—do you have things you want to bring with you?"

He saw nothing of value lying strewn around the room. But because he saw no value there, it didn't mean that his Angel didn't.

"There's nothing to take," she whispered, her own deep emerald eyes peering around the room. The feel of her hand in his felt righter than he had felt in a long time, and she squeezed his hand. "We can leave."

"Right." He nodded.

Zeus led Tati down the hallway to the stairwell. The rest of the team had already met back up at the jet, giving them some time together. He stepped to the side, allowing Tati to walk ahead of him. His eyes trailing from the sway of her long raven tresses to her ass in the loose pants that hung from her hips. All her clothes were loose and dirty.

"How long have you been here?" he asked.

Zeus watched her move up the stairs, her progress slowing as the tendons in her knuckles tightened on the handrail. Tati swayed and his hands reached out to steady her before scooping her into his arms. The heat was already setting in. He could smell her arousal building as he sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time with his Angel in his arms. Her body tucked against his chest felt like heaven itself.

"I can walk, I promise." Her voice shallow as she caught her breath against his chest.

Sweat was collecting on her brow in tiny beads as Zeus moved through the doorway to the roof. Her eyes watering from the sudden light of the sun.

"I've been keeping track of the days, and I think it's been about six months. Give or take a day or two."

Without Tati saying so, Zeus knew what she would say. She had been there on Wolfeen for that long.

Six months. Which tracked with when his dreams started.

"When was the last time you had something to eat?" he asked, his ears pricking at the sound of her stomach growling in protest.

Far too long ago, he assumed. His Angel must have been starving and he couldn't believe she had survived here for as long as she had without being caught.

"As soon as you're buckled in, we'll take off." Apollo said from his pilot seat at the head of the jet. Zeus walked up the gangplank and sat Tati down in a seat next to his own, his hands buckling her in for the ride.

They weren't far from home, at least in the jet. If they had to drive the distance, it would have taken a couple of hours. Apollo was a hell of a pilot, though, and he could make the trip in less than fifteen minutes.

"Go," Zeus told him, settling into his seat beside Tati as he pulled on his own harness as the door closed beside them.

Tati looked around before her eyes shifted into her lap. Zeus noticed she was picking at the dainty tips of her claws. He wondered if she'd noticed they would extend when she was afraid or angry.

"The day before...yesterday?"

Her brows arched up in confusion. Tati was trying to count how many days had passed since the last time she had something to eat.

He would remedy that as soon as they were back in the hideout.

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