Eleven - Zeus

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Zeus watched as the hybrids clustered outside the door, waiting for Tati to emerge. Brock was busy, otherwise he was certain he would have been right next to Khole. But Apollo stood beside Erika, chatting.

Why did they have to be right outside, especially Apollo? Khole and Erika didn't bother him. It was the sight of any other male getting close to Tati that was fraying at his nerves. It had taken every ounce of control not to turn his desk over when Doctor Samfred touched Tati's hand. He knew the Gray didn't mean to advance on his Angel, but still. Every male looked like a threat and given Apollo's tendency to chase anything with a pussy. Zeus sat at his desk, one leg tapping up and down, waiting for Tati to appear in the doorway again.

What the fuck was taking so long?

All Samfred was supposed to do was take a sample of her blood and give her the serum. Was something wrong?

Zeus was out of his seat and making his way to the door when it opened and he was engulfed in Tati's scent. His nostrils flared, tunnel vision taking him straight to her before he clasped her hand.

"Come with me," Zeus said. Though his words came out more like a growl as he pulled Tati behind him from the basement and up the stairs. He never noticed how many people were in this house as his hand clasped Tati's, stopping in the kitchen. Vexx was right where he'd been when Zeus went downstairs, his nose still stuffed in his book. He and Erika had a lot in common. Zeus was surprised Erika spent more time with Apollo than Vexx. The male Wolfeen was usually quiet, and he read a lot in his free time. Erika was telling him about the books she read and her favorite television programs.

It was nice, everyone getting along. Zeus knew it could have been worse, but fuck. He couldn't get a moment alone with Tati without someone within earshot.

"Out here." Zeus said. His hand tightening on hers as he pulled her outside with him. Zeus shrugged out of his jacket. He wrapped it around Tati's shoulders to shield her from the freezing wind.

When he could finally stand still and breathe in the fresh air, Zeus fixed his gaze on Tati.

"How are you handling all this?" he asked.

Those rich green eyes of hers found his and the corners of her full lips tipped up into a smile. "Better than you are, from the looks of it. You look like you're about to pull your hair out." She laughed.

Truth be told, Zeus was feeling overwhelmed. How had Brock managed his attraction to Khole? He was an idiot. The man didn't know what it felt like to be mated, to find his other half, and Zeus did. It felt as if time was slipping through his fingers and no matter how hard he tried to catch up; he was still losing valuable time with Tati. He wanted her all to himself. Just for a little while and with a house full of people, it was hard to do.

"I know we're mated, Zeus. Everyone has been dropping little hints here and there. I don't think you would have kissed me the way you did if there wasn't some force bringing us together."

Zeus' chest tightened. This was when she told him she didn't want this. That it didn't matter what her body was telling her, she didn't want him. In the matter of a few hours, he'd allowed himself to trip into the belief Tati would want him back because he'd completely bombarded her with that kiss.

He'd failed to protect Mia in their own home because he thought there was no way anyone could get past his security system. How the hell did he think he was going to protect Tati from Webb and her army?

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