Twenty-Seven - Tati

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Tati didn't think it was possible for her heart to race any faster. Swimming behind her closed eyelids, she thought of Zeus. His body slid down the floor like a slow-motion fall as men in black surrounded them. They aimed guns at their heads even as they were lying there helpless. She tried to keep her eyes open, but whatever they shot her up with was enough to pull her under the tide.

Sleep was a loose term, but if she did, in fact, sleep, she dreamed of Zeus and the butt of a rifle smacking him in the face. She swore for a fleeting moment. That noise echoed in her mind. The sick crunch of bones crushing under the impact of the rifle.

They had to have broken his perfect nose.

They were Wolfeen, how could they go along with what Webb was doing? Obviously, like on Earth, there were some people who didn't care. This was all for money and power. There was no other explanation in Tati's mind as she surged upright and gripped her head. All the while, even while she was incapacitated, her brain never seemed to shut the hell up. How could it be?

Shaking the haze of drugs, she stared around at the room she was in — no; it wasn't a room. It was another cage. A cell to keep her locked inside of. Alone.

Where was Zeus?

Tati thought through the haze of drugs. She heard them saying they were bringing him with them. They would use him to get her to cooperate. Whatever that meant.

She knew what they wanted, to sell her off again. They would breed her until she was all used up and then who knew what would happen?

Would they put her out of her misery when she'd been used up and couldn't give them what they wanted anymore?

Tati shivered thinking about it and forced the thoughts from her mind. She wasn't giving them a chance to do it. Tati had gotten out of one prison; she'd fight her way out of this one too if she had to.

Now she wished she had paid more attention to training with Zeus. But training was the thing at the forefront of his mind, either.

Yet, it stayed as it was. There was nothing she could do about it now. It would take her a lifetime of self-defense training to beat these monsters. Zeus was trained, and they'd tranquilized both of them. So, it didn't matter how well-trained she was.

If Webb wanted them, she'd pull every dirty trick there was to get them.

Bringing her hand to her chest to massage her racing heart. Not that it was doing much to help calm her, but she needed to think. She was locked up in another cage, and this one was a lot more sophisticated than the last one. There was a cot in either corner or for now. She didn't have a roommate.

Tati pushed herself to her feet to have a better look around. Solid cinderblock walls surrounded her, painted a clean white. It reminded her of being back in school on Earth.

Other than the blank walls, the cots, and a plain toilet, there was nothing in the room except her. Tati even gave the cot a test to see if it would budge. It was bolted to the floor, so there was no way she could break a leg off and use as a weapon.

Well, fuck.

All there was for her to do was wait until that door opened and hope whatever stood on the other side wasn't prepared for her. Because the longer she paced this room, the angrier she felt.

She was getting fucking fed up with being knocked out and then waking up in cages. This was only the second time, but once was more than enough to put a real damper on the experience.

Swallowing, Tati assessed. The last time she woke up in a room she didn't know after being kidnapped, she'd been experimented on. She didn't feel any different this time than she had the last time. She was still a hybrid Tati—she'd take it as a blessing. Tati didn't think she could handle any more changes in her appearance or her anatomy.

What was next? A tail.

Nope. Thank you very much. She liked her ass tail-free. She was confident Zeus appreciated her behind, as shown by his oral attention to it.

Why am I even thinking about this right now?

The only explanation she had for those thoughts was they were anxiety induced. She was worried about Zeus.

She knew they took him too, so where was he?

Was there a separate cell for men than there was for women? Were there other hybrids here?

Tati crept to the door, listening before she glanced up at the ceiling, looking for a camera. She couldn't see one, at least not to the naked eye, but they had to be watching her somehow.

What if she was in here tying sheets together to hang herself? Tati knew if she was all alone, and she didn't have Zeus, it might seem like an option. A scary and sad one with no other way out, but it was there all the same. Tati thought of all the hybrids who woke up in cages or cells just like her.

How many of them had taken that route out of this hell? Tati couldn't even blame them. Instead, her anger spiked.

When the door opened, she was going for it and it didn't matter what was standing in front of her.

She was getting out of here and finding her mate.

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