Thirty-Two - Tati

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The guards weren't moving, instead. They were standing outside what looked like a big viewing window. In fact, the entire hall appeared to be made of windows, but no sunlight poured out of them.

They were guarding someone or something important.

Zeus. There was only one person who would be dangerous enough for two male Wolfeen guards to be standing watch.

The two women eased back around the corner and pressed their backs against the wall. Tati needed to get past those guards, and she was certain it was Zeus they were keeping such a close eye on. Of course, it had to be.

Tilting her head toward Tabetha, she caught her eye making a circling motion with her hand. They couldn't talk, the guards were too close and they would be heard. They needed a distraction and while Tati didn't want to do this; it was the only option they had left.

Making a walking motion with her fingers, she pointed down the hall and nodded. Tabetha got the jist and took a deep breath. She turned around and made her way out into the middle of the walkway to catch the guards' attention. There wasn't a lot of finesse to their plan, but it worked.

One guard noted movement and turned.

"Hey! Stop right there."

Neither one of them recognized Tabetha. When they told her to stop, she stopped dead in her tracks and Tati could see her panicking. She could actually smell her fear.

The second the guard came within Tati's line of sight. She fired once and then a second time as she swept around the corner, taking out the second guard.

"I didn't think that was going to work." Tabetha breathed, clutching her chest.

If Tati was being honest with herself, she didn't think it would either, though she didn't say it to Tabetha.

The woman's nerves had been through enough already and since their plan worked. Tati was going to take the win and keep moving.

"Come on, Zeus is close by... he's in this hall. I can smell him." Now there was a sentence she never thought she'd hear herself say.

There was nowhere to hide these two, but at some point, their luck was going to turn. And there would be nothing they could do about it. Tati prayed these two-lying dead on the floor wouldn't be noticed. At least until they were out of this place altogether.

Down the hall, Tati was right about the window situation. Instead of looking out at the alien planet of Wolfeen, they were observation windows. One room was empty, but the one the guards were standing in front of wasn't.

Inside, there was a figure pacing. Their eyes trained on the window. Long blonde hair fell over slender shoulders. Almost all black feline eyes staring out in cold malice. The features shifted in confusion when she saw them. She was wearing a set of dirty clothes that looked sort of like hospital scrubs, and when she realized they were guards, she ran up to the window. Panic and relief kissing her brows as she pointed at the door, her mouth moving.

Tati couldn't hear her, but the message was clear. She wanted out.

Tension rippled through her shoulders for a second as she looked at the figure. She was imposing. Over six feet tall, with rippling muscles and dangerous. The movement behind her caught Tati's attention and for a second. It took her a moment to realize the serpentine thing moving behind her. Swishing in agitation—was her tail.

"She's a Calico." Tabetha breathed out in awe.

Tati didn't know what a Calico was, running back down the hall to one guard as she looked for something.

"There isn't a key... Damn it."

Moving over to the panel in the wall the Calico motioned to. Tati looked it over. There was a device attached to the wall, a locking mechanism. There was a red light, and a pad there. Like you swiped a badge to get it open. Tati had seen them like this in hospitals before.

"Where the hell would they keep a ke—."

Tabetha stared as Tati grabbed the device, beginning to yank on it.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, either I yank this thing off and the door opens, or this whole place goes on high alert. Either way, she's as much a captive as we are and looks at her. On earth, she'd have a dazzling career as a pro wrestler...we need her and she needs us right now."

Tati felt the locking mechanism give with a slight electrical spark. She gripped her fingers tighter onto the piece and yanked as hard as she could. The piece ripped from the wall.

Red light filled the hallway as the Calico woman stepped out of her cell, carrying a slender bundle in her arms.

It was another woman, a hybrid like them. She was so tiny compared to the Amazon sized woman holding her like she was nothing but a sleeping kitten.

"She is blood of mine...they used me to create her. I can smell it on her. I will not leave her to them."

Her voice was so deep even Tati's thoughts were stunned into silence. But it wasn't disturbing or comical deepness. It sounded almost regal. Authoritative.

"We're looking for two more, one of our kind. A Wolfeen and a Grey. Have you seen them?" Tati asked.

"I've only seen one male Wolfeen who wasn't a guard. They carried him this way." The woman replied before running in that direction. Unencumbered by the weight of the hybrid in her arms. "My name is Zema, and this is Isa." Zema said, stopping in front of another window, her chin lifting to its occupant.

Zeus was conscious, as he sat propped up in the corner. He looked even worse than Tabetha had when she was brought to the cell.

"Tabetha, help me get this lock off before more guards show up." Tati said, grabbing the device on the wall. Zeus could see them from the window. His swollen eyes watching as he struggled to get to his feet.

Tati and Tabetha took a glance down the hall. Somewhere there had to be cameras on them. There was no way that there weren't. They were too busy ripping the locking mechanism off the wall to release the door.


Tati could barely breathe as she rushed into the cell. Catching him as he stumbled toward her, getting his arm over her shoulders.

"Hurry, I hear someone coming." Tabetha called, waving them forward before she ducked under Zeus' other arm. The five of them hurrying down the hall. No idea where they were going.

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