Thirty-Eight - Tati

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She was never a violent person before her abduction from Earth. Before she was experimented on to turn her into a half-human, half-Wolfeen hybrid. Tati wanted Webb and everyone associated with her business to fry. The Wolfeen government was pushing for the death penalty. The Calico government and royal court were lending all available resources to their aid.

In the last three days, of course, Webb has been dead silent. She refuses to talk, even with the threat of death looming close behind her.

Why won't she admit what she's done?

Hearing the key in the apartment door, Tati shook the bubbles free from her hands. Drying them off and sticking her head out of the doorway to look down the hall.

"How did it go?"

Zeus stepped inside, tossing his keys onto the small table by the door.

Many of K9's employees were living out of apartments these days. Since their original campus had been blown up by Webb. Tati stopped even looking out of the living room window. From the twelfth floor of the apartment complex, she had a great view of the rubble still being cleared.

Every day, they were still finding bodies. Tati couldn't stand to see it.

Not only had Webb hurt her people, Humans. But she didn't care about the lives of Wolfeen either.

Andrea Webb is a monster of the worst kind. One without thought or care for the regard of others as long as she gets what she wants.

"Same as yesterday," Zeus said, sliding his shoes off at the door before he made his way down the hall. His hands moved to her cheeks to tilt her face up to his. "How was your day?"

Tati held his wrists as she looked up into the yellow glow of his hazel eyes and shrugged. There wasn't anything to keep her busy in the apartment. Until they were certain they had everyone involved in Webb's hybrid scheme. Zeus was being a little overprotective by keeping her out of the public eye. Tati understood why he was doing it, but she was going a little stir-crazy.

"Same as yesterday."

Tati pushed up onto her tiptoes to bring her lips closer to his, mocking his response from before.

Zeus leaned down, capturing her lips in a fierce kiss. One thing had not changed in the last three days was their desire for one another. Backing her into the wall as a thumb from the floor above them made Tati gasp. Her eyes narrowed toward the ceiling.

Every little bump from the people living around them had been making Tati overanxious.

"I guess no one has told the rest of me it's okay to calm down now." She said with a frustrated laugh.

Zeus' smirk stretched his lips as he brought his forehead down to rest against hers. His hands slid over her shoulders to soothe her. "Given everything that has happened, you are will within your rights to be jumpy, Angel."

Lifting his head, Tati followed his gaze toward the bathroom where her bubble bath was waiting. Not even half an hour again, it sounded like someone was rolling a bowling ball across the floor upstairs. Tati's nerves were on edge once more and what was frustrating about it was she was used to apartment living. There was little Tati could do about the noise other people made. She didn't expect people to walk on eggshells around her.

She wanted to get back to normal or as normal as life could be on Wolfeen.

"Let's get you into the bath and then we'll have dinner, okay?" Zeus asked her with a little nudge of his nose against hers as he took her shoulders, guiding her back into the bathroom.

Zeus helped her undress, removing his clothes as well. Taking Tati's hand as she stepped into the tub before climbing in behind her. Letting her lower herself down before he settled in behind her. He pulled her back to rest against his chest.

"You know, when we escaped, and I realized we were on Earth, I was in awe but, it didn't last," Tati murmured. His hands skimmed over her arms and down to her thighs, tracing along her skin before tickling over her abdomen.

"Why's that?"

Inhaling, Tati looked at the bubbles as if they had an answer for her. All she saw there were glimpses of their skin beneath the floating islands of foam that sat on top of the water.

"I was happy. I can't lie about that and I never thought I would see my home planet again. The more I look back at it now... it's not where I want to be. I know my place is with you and Wolfeen is my future."

Zeus' arms tightened around her midsection. He pulled her close to him as he pressed his lips to her shoulder.

The life Tati lived on earth was empty, and if she hadn't been abducted by the Ghoul, things would be different. But this is where fate had brought her and she had to believe was for a specific purpose. She'd never been particularly understanding of fate or how and why things happened the way they did.

She didn't want to believe bad things happened for a reason, but they did. What if it actually had nothing to do with one's personal beliefs? Or deities who were controlling things behind the scenes? There was no such thing as control and the sooner everyone understood that. The better they could adapt to the things that happened to them and around them.

If she hadn't been abducted, she never would have met Zeus, and Tati would never know how strong she was.

She survived for six months on this planet without a single person there to help her. Without even understanding their language. Then she met the person she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

The circumstances weren't perfect by any means, but she was here now and she wouldn't change any of it. Because if even one thing changed... she might not be where she was now and she liked where she was.

With Zeus.

Whatever came next, she could face it. Not because she had him by her side, although that was a big bonus. But because she could see it through to the end and come out the other side.

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