Twenty-Six - Zeus

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Tati gulped his cum down before he pulled her into his arms. His fingers threaded through her hair as they lay together on the mattress.

Zeus didn't think he had fallen asleep for long. Listening to the even breaths falling from his mates' parted lips on his chest. As his eyes opened, he saw the sun was lower in the sky than when they returned to the cabin.

Something woke him.

All his senses were on high alert as his eyes scanned their surroundings. It wasn't something inside the cabin, the smallest noise. Twigs snapped as he lifted his head from the mattress to listen.

Beside him, Tati was sound asleep, her head resting on his shoulder. Zeus sat up, disentangling himself from his mate. The thought of his mate made his heart flutter. She is the most important thing in the world to him, his entire world. His mere existence orbits her own, and something isn't right. He can feel it.

Climbing to his feet, Zeus pulled his pants on, catching the scent in the air. There is someone in the forest.

Several someone's.

His ears prick with the disturbance in the woods as the first red lines streak through the windows of the cabin. Picking up the faint sound of a voice through a com-link.

"Take the hybrid alive. Webb wants her for the kennel."


There was no time for Zeus to consider what this meant for Tati. Only the images flicked through his mind as he dropped. Zeus grabbed Tati and threw the blanket over her. Glass shattered around them as bullets sprayed through the cabin.

He didn't build it to withstand gunfire. Rays of light shot through the holes made in the wood. Tati screamed, her arms flailing to cover her head as debris flies around them.

"Stay down." Zeus breathes against Tati's ear as he surges to his feet.

Adrenaline raced through his veins. While they slept, Webb's assassins found them. He can't question how the only person who knew his location was Castian. Or at least the Wolfeen could have guessed where Zeus would run with Tati to keep her hidden.

If the information had gotten from their director. It meant not only was Tati in danger, but the entire team and Webb's cleanup crew.

He took three long strides to the door. Kicking in what was left of the plywood, and surged into the black-masked face of a Wolfeen male.

Lifting his boot, Zeus met him square in the chest, bracing his hands on the frame of the door as he pushed. The male toppled backward into the dirt. In another stride, Zeus swept the gun from his hand. A bullet pierced his brain before he turned the weapon in the next three headed his way. Their bodies spasmed as they were riddled with bullets.

His head snapped back toward the cabin at the sound of Tati's screams. His eyes glowed with rage. Tati was fighting someone in black tactical gear who tried to climb through the back window. She grabbed her assailant by the ears and bit into his nose. Blood bursting from the wound coupled with his agonized screams.

"Tranq'em. We can't risk the hybrid."

Zeus didn't need enhanced hearing to pick up this bit of information. He spotted the rest of them closing in from the woods. Webb found out where they were. She wasn't taking any risks this time. Zeus and the team had already escaped her once. She wasn't planning for them to do it again.

Webb had sent a small army for them as a tranquilizer dart pierced his chest.

Glaring down at the dart, Zeus ripped it out, only to be replaced by three more.

"ZEUS!" Tati screamed.

The world spun as he stumbled toward the cabin, his hand gripping the frame of the doorway as Tati looked at him. A dart in her neck and another in her side.

Zeus blinked, shaking his head, trying to clear it. The tranquilizers were working fast. His muscles resisted the command to move and his body slid to the floor. His eyes strained to remain open as Tati toppled onto the mattress.

"What do we do with him?" one soldier asked.

"Bring'em. We can use him to get the hybrid to cooperate." Another replied.

Zeus' eyes rolled around in their sockets for a moment as hands reached for him, but he swung out with one clawed hand before the butt of a rifle knocked him out.

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