The Move and Meeting Bella

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We waited in line for the plane to Forks, my mom and dad chatted quietly, but they kept looking back at me with suspicious eyes. I knew why, I was whispering under my breath because like usual I was talking to my friends who were naturally coming with me. I was thankful to have them with me as a comfort because they had my back no matter what and something in my bones told me this would be needed on this next journey of my life. My mom stepped away from my dad and over to me.

"Would you stop muttering under your breath? You're starting to act crazy again. Get it together please, I want us all to start new."

I didn't even get to respond before she walked back over to him and I knew better than to continue with the look he was giving me. Though it was hard to contain myself when Leo called my dad a kiss ass. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before we walked on the airplane, I was shaking slightly because I was nervous. I felt the familiar coolness of my ghosts hands on my hands and cheek. I looked up to see Leo in front of me, I knew his hand would be on my cheek, he was my best friend of the three of them.

"It's all going to be okay, Sage. You have us, and you always will. This move will come with some amazing life changing things, for all of us. Trust me."

I nodded and smiled softly before tensing as the flight took off. I closed my eyes as I heard Tallulah's sad voice singing songs, her voice always had a sad twinge to it that made it comforting but melancholic. I let her words lull me asleep and had more dreams about past lives. I was jolted awake by a sweater being thrown in my face.

"Wake up. We're landing. Buckle up."

My dad grumbled as if mom had just done the same to him which made me snicker and him to playfully glare at me. I smiled when I saw Monroe and Tallulah sitting together casting over a couple in the row over from me.

"C'mon guys, a new life awaits!"

Leo laughed as he purposely knocked my dad's hat off his head but mom brushed it off as too much wind from the overhead. This town was just as gloomy as the sleepy little town in Maine that I'd grown up in. I sighed and tugged my hood over my head as I walked to the car after we got our suitcases, mom told me all my stuff would be here within the week. I popped in my headphones to eavesdrop on their conversations, a habit I'd picked up in order to gain an upper hand on the world. I can't tell you how many times that came in handy with bullies in my old school. Well that and my ghost friends.

I paid close attention to every curve and turn we took on this ride to our new house. I was shocked when we pulled up. This place looked like a miniature version of the house from "Home Alone" , that was my favorite Christmas movie, which didn't hurt the situation. Mom turned around and grabbed my knee.

"Oh by the way, we know you've been taking motorcycle lessons so we bought you one to cruise the town with, it's in the garage."

I smirked gleefully. I was thrilled that I wouldn't be needing their help to get around town anymore. I rolled my eyes as I heard Leo start going over the safety requirements about me riding a motorcycle. I wandered into the house and up the stairs until I saw a room that was painted a calming lavender colour and instantly knew which room was mine.

"Oh good, you found your room, when we saw the colour in the pictures we knew you'd pick it. Get settled, then we're gonna go to the diner that we saw on the way up here."

My mom told me as she poked her head in and smiled at me before disappearing. I nodded and unrolled my sleeping back since my bed wasn't here yet and sat down on it before taking out my phone and pretending to call my "one friend" from Maine. In reality, I was just talking to my ghosts but this was a tactic I used to help convince my parents I wasn't crazy. About an hour later we were sitting in the diner.

"Oh look Sage, they have cherry cobbler! I know it's your favorite, hopefully you can find a main to go with it dear."

I looked at my mom in surprise, I honestly didn't think that she even remembered that it was my favorite before smiling in thanks. I kept looking over the menu before the bacon cheeseburger with a caesar salad caught my eye. I ordered it quietly after the waitress came to the table before I leaned back in my seat and began to people watch. Naturally I did this with the help of my ghosts.

I quickly snapped out of it when my food was placed on the table in front of me, quickly smiling at the waitress I dug in. What? I was hungry. I haven't eaten since yesterday. I swallowed my food quickly and looked up when I heard Leo call my name. I looked where he was standing and noted the girl he pointed at, she had a sad vibe about her. I nodded subtly and continued eating, manifesting an opportunity to talk to her. The spirits were on my side when she stumbled into our table. She mumbled an apology.

"No problem, are you okay? I'm new here, I'm Lynn Davis."

Her eyes looked into mine and I knew I'd just made a friend.

"Bella Swan, nice to meet you. Do you go to Forks High too?"

I honestly didn't know how to answer that so my mom thankfully chimed in.

"Oh yes, she does, she's starting on Monday."

I turned red and Bella laughed.

"Great. I won't have to face it alone. Lunch buddies?"

It was my turn to laugh, I think her father caught on when he walked over and we all had our meals. Bella and I laughing and talking and connecting while our parents did the same. I was looking forward to what the new school would offer me, truthfully I was just happy to have a friend by my side on this new adventure. We exchanged phone numbers and continued texting on the way home planning to hang out this weekend to connect even more.

We did hang out, we bonded over our love of movies, watching The Empire Strikes Back and Beauty and the Beast to name a few. With Bella by my side I knew I could get through whatever Forks threw at me, at least I hoped. The fact that I could hear my ghosts talking about how good this friendship would be for me made me feel more comfortable in my choice of who I friended. 

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