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When I woke up in the morning I was disappointed that Jasper wasn't there besides me. I sighed and made breakfast, granted this was difficult because of my broken arm. I sighed as I finally finished the bacon and feta cheese omelette that I'd been slaving over the stove to make. I grabbed the jalapeno hot sauce out of the cupboard and walked to the sofa. Boy did it look good. I swiftly dug in, I was on my last bite when I jumped.

"Man Sage, we leave you alone to give you time with the vampires and celebrate Bella's birthday and you come back with a damn broken arm! We can't trust you with that vampire! Shit I hate him and that family right now."

Leo seethed at me with his arms crossed while Tallulah and Monroe sat on the couch with equally pissed off faces. I shrugged and got up to put my plate in the sink before grabbing a glass of peach juice and wandering back over to the couch where I sat quietly. I did not wanna talk to them right now. They left me alone. I know now that they did it to let me get to know the Cullens more but I would have at least liked them to tell me that. Lullah always knew me best.

"Yes Sage, I know we should have told you, granted I wanted to but still. You are so damn clumsy you always get hurt. What happened this time?"

I sighed at her and I was slightly irritated because they were right, I was clumsy but that certainly did not give them the right to be so judgy of me. I was fed up with everyone treating me like a baby ever since my parents died. I was a volcano ready to blow and one more comment would surely set me off. I kept quiet and kept breathing steadily.

"Damn it Sagelynn! Answer us for gods sake! Don't you get that all we want is what's best for you? Are you too stupid and blinded by love to see that?"

The whole room, including Monroe himself, was wide eyed at his reaction. I could tell he regretted it but sure enough mount Sagelynn was about to blow. I stood up so forcefully I knocked the nearly empty glass of juice over.

"You know what? I'm sick of this absolute crap. You guys are all driving me up a damn wall. Look I know I've had a run of bad luck with my parents dying and everything but for christ sake I'm not that stupid. I can take care of myself. You know what happened? Edward went crazy at Bella's birthday party cuz she slit her finger on paper which made Jasper lash out. Jazz tried to protect me but Edward flung me forward and into the table where my arm cracked. Jasper did nothing wrong. Carlisle himself fixed my arm so if anyone's to blame here it's Edward and slightly Bella. But gee thanks for the vote of confidence that I'm so bad at being myself."

I sat back down huffing as my chest heaved from how passionately I'd just spoken. I knew I'd gotten to them and they had their eyes opened to how they'd been treating me. I felt Tallulah's phantom arms around me. I sighed and wished nothing more than for Jasper to be besides me. I reached over to grab my phone and to my sadness there was not one text. I slumped back onto the couch, disgruntled.

"What did you guys get up to when you left me?"

They then went into detail about the wild shenanigans they got into in the spirit realm. If I'm honest, I kind of zoned out and I didn't really want to pay attention. My mind kept wandering over to Jasper. I wondered what he was doing and if I would see him today. I zoned back in when Leo knocked a pillow on my head.

"I see we really intrigued you there huh Sage. What? We're not good enough company for you? Not the right kind of supernatural? Fine, I'm leaving then. If you're acting like this then I don't care about spending time with you either."

I stood up to stop them but they all vanished before I could say anything which made me even more mad. I flopped back down before groaning in pain when my arm bounced. There was this sickening silence that wrapped around me and made me feel nauseous. Suddenly the world went dark and when I opened my eyes it wasn't my house I was in. I was in ancient Greece.

I saw a lot of beautiful things but none confused me more than when I focused my attention on a quiet alley way. I saw a blurry form of a guy with blonde hair but where it got strange was the warm feeling he gave me, almost like the feeling I got when my dad spoke to me.

 "Callie, I promise I'm going to come back for you, one day I swear it."

Then the world was black again. This time when I opened my eyes I was in a similar area though it felt different. Another blurry figure was in front of me and a similar but different feeling shot through me. 

"Thali, we will meet again. I'm going to protect you when we meet again but I need to go out into the world right now."

A thudding at the door shot me out of these visions and I screamed. I'd never experienced anything like that before but those people felt strangely familiar, almost like a long lost relative or something. I groaned and rolled my neck before I stood up and walked to the door to see who it was. To my shock it was a tear stricken Bella.

"Whoa! What's wrong Bells? I've never seen you look like this, come sit down."

I ushered her into my house and sat her down before I sat down across from her and took her hand in my good hand. I waited till she had calmed down enough to be coherent.

"Y you don't know do you? Oh Lynn! They're gone. Edward, Alice, Jasper, the Cullen's, they're all gone. They left this morning. I'm so sorry you had to find out like this."

My world stopped. My heart stopped. I couldn't breathe. He left me. Rose left me. I needed to be alone. I needed her out of my house so I could process this.

"Thank you for telling me Bella. But it's late and rainy. Charlie's probably worried about you. I think you should go home. We'll talk about this tomorrow okay?"

She seemed to accept that and hugged me softly before leaving. She closed the door and I was alone. I was alone again. More alone than I'd ever been before. My ghosts were gone. My parents were dead. The Cullens and Jasper left me. It was suffocating. But I needed to promise myself that I would be stronger, fiercer and better than I ever was before. No matter what I needed to do.

This was the beginning of a new Sagelynn Davis and the world was not ready for me. 

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