Darkness and Rage

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Authors Note; This is more of a filler chapter

Things have been unbelievably lonely for me since the Cullens left. I managed to get a note excusing me from school from a "Psychologist" which was beneficial to me. I have never been more alone in my life. Before I always had a ghost with me but now it was nothing but me and my thoughts.

My social life, or lack thereof, wasn't the only thing that changed. The girl the world knew was gone and in its place was a brooding, angry, sullen witch, who looked nothing like the girl everyone was used to. See... It has been weeks since I've been out of my house, just as long as it's been since I've seen anyone, human or otherwise.

I changed my look to embrace how I felt towards life. Dark and full of hatred. Where had once been my golden locks similar to Jasper was now a deep midnight purple. If I needed to leave the house I had colored contact lenses to remain even more unknown to people. I never wore makeup but now I was constantly done up to the nines because I couldn't look at the old me in the mirror without breaking them... which I'd done about thirteen times now. On top of that, leather, lace and jeans were my best friends when it came to clothes, a sharp contrast to the dresses and skirts that people were used to.

 On top of all of that I began to do research on how to connect more with the spirit realm and see what I could do with my powers. With the help of the internet I got books upon books and crystals and herbs all delivered to my house without needing me to leave. I even purchased a Ouija board. Which I discovered when I slipped into a past life.

I was scared at first but then I realized that I was really powerful and I didn't need help from anyone. I admit, the first time I realized that I could communicate with any spirit and get them to help me and get me things. And yes when I say any spirit I mean any, good or bad. I also discovered thanks to a ghost named Walti that I could create simple spells.

I found this out because I was in a different past life. I woke up in 18th century Germany and this time I got scared. I saw who I now know was Walti and he was staring at me with a cross bow raised and he kept yelling "Hexe!" over and over to no avail. He strode over to me and shot the cross bow. Nothing happened. It vanished in front of my nose. I knew then that he was a ghost and I wanted to know him. Thankfully I spoke German so I managed to communicate to him what I was and that I wanted him to come into the present with me. 

He did and we spent a while going over everything because he informed me that he was an elder in the spirit realm and he could help me with anything I wanted to accomplish no matter how evil and I loved that. I hated the world and wanted everyone to burn and suffer the way I'd been suffering. 

By this time I had completely alienated myself from the outside world. I made it clear to the world that I wanted to be left alone with the invisible wall of fire I'd set out on the perimeter of my property. What I did was I ran some flammable string and created a charm that sensed a presence where I didn't want them and the string would engulf in flames.

I felt bad about this once when it scared a dog but after that I was simply left alone. That was my life now. I was a homebound witch who hated the world and wanted nothing but the burning I felt to be felt by everyone.

Boy if only I knew what was in store for me. 

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