A party gone wrong.

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Today was Bella's birthday and Alice had informed us that there was going to be a big party at the house that was mandatory to attend. I was fine with that because I needed to take a mental health day so I was helping Alice set up the house for the party. I loved my second responsibility because I was Esme's taste tester and her food was top tier delicious. I was beginning to bounce off the wall from how much icing I'd had.

"Okay darlin, it's time to get ready for the party, you can have more sugar later."

I hadn't even had the opportunity to snag one more mouthful of icing before Jasper swept me out of the kitchen and into his room where I'd admittedly been hiding out. I huffed but I put on my sparkly purple dress and my black flats before tying my hair up and walking over to take Jasper's hand before we proceeded to walk down the stairs to wait for Edward and Bella. I would have slipped down the last few stairs had Jasper not been there because Alice picked that moment to take a picture of us.

"Oh my god Lynn, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that. Are you okay though?"

I nodded and smiled at her letting her know I was fine. I wandered over to Rose and Emmett who were on the other side of the room, Jasper followed me knowing I wanted to be with my best friends too. Rose hugged me tightly before she let go and we stood side by side, Jasper with his arm draped around my waist and Emmett had his arm around Rose's shoulders. I had been eyeing the huge tower of sushi that I knew was bought for me.

"Darlin, it's okay for you to take some sushi. You and Bella are the only ones who..."

I began to pile a plate full of salmon sashimi, nigiri, salmon roses and hosomaki. I happily began munching on the sushi and dipping it into soy sauce with wasabi and ginger. I heard laughter from behind me so I turned around mid bite and titled my head to look at them. I swallowed and stared at the three vampires in front of me.

"What? What'd I do?"

This made even more laughter and Jasper stepped forward explaining that my reaction to the sushi was too cute and funny. Rose nodded and Emmett stuck his tongue out at me which caused me to fling a piece of salmon in his face. I'd never heard a roar of laughter like I did when that happened. As quickly as Rosalie began to laugh it stopped, and I knew Bella and Edward had entered the room.

I smiled at her as she walked down the stairs. She looked pretty and I glared pointedly at Edward to let him know just how lucky he was to have her. I knew he heard me when he nodded subtly and smiled. I waited by Rose for her to come down. Carlisle and Esme stepped up to welcome Bella and wish her a happy birthday as well as apologizing for the hyper little fairy who no one can reign in, not even Mitch. We all stepped forward as that happened to wish her well.

"Here, it's a necklace. Alice picked it out."

I laughed softly at my vampire best friend who playfully glared at me. I stepped up with my gift from Jasper and I. I knew it would be a hit.

"Oh my god! Lynn! The first edition of "Pride and Prejudice" it's absolutely perfect! Thank you and thank you Jasper."

I smiled and hugged her before slinking back to Jasper and letting the rest of the group give Bella her presents. I kissed Jasper's cheek as he passed me my plate of sushi, which to my delight was refilled. I watched as Esme and Carlisle handed her a small parcel before making a joke about how pale she'd become lately which made me snort. Bella in turn swiveled her head around to stick her tongue out at me. I simply smirked at her as I popped my last piece of salmon in my mouth.

Mitch handed her a gift and stepped back to let us all watch her open it. I saw it happen from my spot. She nicked her finger open. Jasper let out the most feral growl I'd ever heard and I was pushed backwards by Edward to try to restrain Jasper. I flew into the table where the food was with a loud thud and to my sadness all the sushi fell onto the floor behind me.

I tried to push myself up with my right hand only to let out an ear piercing shriek. My arm was broken, it didn't take Carlisle to know that. By the time I'd looked up Jasper was out of the room, Edward was towering over Bella with her bloody arm in Carlisle's hand and Rose was in front of me. I stared at her with wide eyes and let her pick me up to carry me to Jasper, this was another time when I was thrilled they were so icy. In the blink of an eye we were outside and I was face to face with Jasper again.

"Darlin I'm so sorry! I could kill Edward for pushing you like that. How are you feeling? We all heard the crack."

See this is another case where my brain doesn't process bad situations properly.

"Sad. That was a waste of sushi."

Emmett chose this time to laugh again and I couldn't blame him, I started laughing too before the tears of pain slipped down my face. Jasper was in front of me in an instant and he was doing his best to send me calming vibes and it was subtly working. We stayed outside until Edward had taken Bella to her house before Jazz brought me inside to get looked at by Carlisle.

"Oh Lynn, I'm so sorry I couldn't look at your first, Edward shoved Bella into my arms."

I nodded and zoned out before he began the process of resetting my arm. I was never bothered by pain so I began humming. After what seemed like an eternity Jasper placed a cold kiss on my forehead which snapped me out of it. I looked down and noticed that my arm was in a cast and a sling and I nodded in thanks at the good doctor who just smiled at me.

"I'm gonna take you to your house Darlin, I know we haven't been there since it happened but we need to get out of the house."

I held my good hand out to him before I followed him blindly out the door and downstairs to his Plymouth. When we got to the car he opened it for me and kissed my forehead again before closing the door and hopping in before we drove off. I don't remember much more about the night because of how exhausted I am.  I was lying in my bed after changing into pajamas and I cuddled into Jasper who placed a kiss on my forehead. Before I could respond to his words I'd already began to slip away into a dreamless sleep

"Good night Darlin. Sleep well please, you're gonna need your rest. I love you, never forget that no matter what happens."

Gods if only I knew what the next few months would bring me I probably would have held onto him way tighter than I did. 

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