Tension on the field

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I drummed my fingers on the edge of my desk quietly as I waited for my teachers to be cut off by the bell. It was finally Friday and that meant when this bozo was done talking I got to spend time with Jasper and the rest of the Cullens. Apparently there was an activity planned tonight due to the storm. Well in my life that wasn't the only storm, Isabella and I hadn't spoken in three weeks and when we saw each other, the tension was thick in the air.

I shot up and grabbed my boyfriend's hand as we shot out of the room and to my locker, the quicker we got there the less likely we were to see her. I knew it would be inevitable that I would have to interact with her but I wanted her to be the one to make the first move. To my luck, I was able to get out of school and into Jasper's 1966 cherry red plymouth fury, my personal favorite car in the world. I yelped as a snowball hit the window and I heard Emmett laughing so he was the culprit. I rolled my eyes and relaxed as we drove out of the school and towards their house. Midway through the ride the atmosphere changed so I looked at him.

"Shit, noticed the change huh.. Well I guess now's as good a time as any. We're all going to play baseball tonight, and that's cuz the thunder masks the sound of the baseball bats, so it's literally the only time we can play. The thing is, Edward invited Bella. I'm sorry Darlin, I couldn't do anything to prevent it."

I knew he was waiting for an explosion on my part but I was calm.

"Hmmm, she doesn't like sports, but I'm happy Edward's bringing her around. Rose needs to get used to her."

When we got to the field where we'd be playing I was stunned to discover that right now, it was only Jasper, Rose, Emmett and I. I spun on my heels and faced Jasper who stood there smirking at me.

"I know, I planned this so you three car nuts could talk about cars and race if you wanted to."

I launched myself at him and kissed him passionately. He kissed back just as lovingly as he spun me around before he placed me down on the ground and I ran towards them. Rose bolted towards me too, she naturally was faster and she scooped me up. I laughed as I hugged her tightly, honestly, after Jasper, she was really my best friend. When she put me down we were both wearing matching grins.

"I know you're not happy about it Ro, but we both gotta live with it. She's gonna be part of the family, but we can choose to ignore her."

She nodded and we both walked over to where Emmett was standing wearing a grin similar to ours and the fun started there. Clearly this was well set up, there were a whole bunch of car magazines in the back seat along with my favorite snacks. I yelped as I felt hands on my waist but calmed down when I realized it was Jasper who placed me on the roof of Emmett's jeep where a waterproof towel and a huge blanket was waiting for me.

I made myself comfy before we began our bonding. Emmett had sufficiently pissed me off by telling me that a Ferrari was a better car then my baby the plymouth. That made us get into a heated debate which is gonna be settled by a race sometime later today. I was happy though, I'd eaten snacks, been supplied with hot cocoa and time with the people I cared about. Time however was not on my side as a familiar Volvo pulled onto the field. Rosalie and I growled at the same time.

"Come on girls, let's all be nice. The sooner we get started, the sooner the blood bag goes away."

Yea... guess I forgot to mention that Jasper was beyond pissed with her and has a hard time not punching Edward whenever they come near us. I let him bring me off of the car and we walked toward them after I wrapped the blanket around me like a burrito and had some on my head like a hood.

"Hello Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, thanks for allowing me to come to baseball with you and your family."

Wow, she was really playing it cold. Well then Isabella, two can play that game. I smiled at the two of them and angled my gaze at Edward.

"Hi Eddie! Great to see you, I hope it's gonna be a great night with no drama."

I saw her roll her eyes and grip onto him. I made sure to think this as loud as possible, I would never go for Edward. He's my brother and that's it. I just want him happy. I knew he read it when he nodded slightly. Soon enough, the game was on and each of the men was trying to impress their significant others. Mitchell was using his tornadoes to do flips insanely high in the air, Emmett was bouncing off trees doing a whole mess of acrobatics, Edward was running as fast as lighting. Carlisle was doing his best to keep Rose, and I away from Bella which impressed Esme because of how much she loved his kindness. As for Jasper, he was doing tricks with the bat, blowing kisses and winking at me. He was a dream come true.

At the exact moment Leo, Monroe and Tallulah showed up, Alice called for us to stop. Apparently our baseball game had enticed a group of nomads to come and see what was going on. Out of the mist came two pale vampires and one dark skinned one. I got nasty vibes from them and I knew I was right when I heard Leo yell at me to get behind Jasper and Rose. Clearly that was in the stars for the two vampires as they seemingly materialized in front of me as the rest of the Cullens got into protective stances in front of myself and Isabella.

It all happened so fast. There was a discussion, then suddenly Isabella and I were the targets. What made my blood run cold was the sentence the shirtless blonde man spoke. Before I could react we were in the car on the way to the Cullens. Bella and I were side by side and the first thing out of our mouths shocked everyone.

"I'm sorry!"

I knew our little period of hatred was over. We knew we had to stick together to face whatever evil had shown up in our lives. 

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