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The next few days were sleepless and full of fires. I hadn't slept since my ex best friend showed up unwanted at my door. How could she ever think that I could forgive her or any of them after they left me all alone in this world? Sure I'd cut Bella out too because she reminded me too much of them but from what I'd heard she cut everyone out too so both of us were as good as dead to the world as far as I'm concerned.

I lay down in my dark bedroom with no lights but a few candles sprinkled around the room giving it a light orange glow. I closed my eyes to try and calm myself enough for a quick nap because I knew that even with these spells to keep me up that sleep was needed for my health and survival. I closed my eyes after turning on my lavender diffuser which thankfully paired with my exhaustion lulled me into a deep and needed sleep. I managed to hear one last thing before I fell into the darkness.

"Gut, du musst schlafen." (Good, you need to sleep)

When I woke up from my deep sleep I not only felt refreshed but a new sense of rage, purpose and anger. I don't recall much of my dreams. All I know is that someone's out there that I'm destined to meet. I stretched like a cat before dangling my feet off the bed ready to face the remainder of whatever was left of the day.

I walked into the kitchen with the idea to make some food for myself as when I caught a glimpse at the clock it was 12pm, lunchtime on Friday meaning I'd slept for 16 hours. Shrugging as I began to whip up some sushi using some spells, why sushi you may ask. It's my comfort food and helps me to get level headed again which I suppose I need.

Just as I was sitting on the sofa to enjoy my long awaited sushi an angry knocking sound came from my door. I didn't care. Nothing and no one was gonna stop me from eating sushi. I ignored it as I began to eat the delicious fish but quickly grew frustrated as I realised that no human could knock at such a quick relentless pace without stopping. Placing my half empty plate on the table I stood up and grumbled as I went to the door, my rage brewing again.

"What the hell's the big idea knocking on my door? Can't you see that I don't want visitors. What do you want!?"

I hissed as I ripped open the door and instantly wished I'd kept it closed. In front of me stood Bella wrapped in a blanket and shivering but who really set me off was the female Cullen who was clearly the one knocking. Unfortunately for me I still had some form of compassion so I opened the door wide enough that they knew they could come in before turning around and going back to my sushi.

I sat down and instantly continued eating. What? I'm petty, they abandoned me and I sure as hell wasn't gonna open the conversation channels. They couldn't even send me a text to check on me. I popped the last tasty piece of salmon into my mouth before I looked up, and as I expected they were both staring at me with wide eyes. I rolled my eyes before I motioned for one of them to start talking.

"I'm sorry we left the way we did. I know you probably feel like we abandoned you and we did and I feel horribly about that but please, you have to listen to us."

The little pixie croaked and for a second, and only a second I believed that she did feel bad. I turned my attention to Bella who was still to my surprise shaking. I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers before a heated blanket and a warm mug of cocoa were floating in front of her. This made the two of them gasp. I shook my head because I knew they'd ask me about what happened.

"No, you talk now. Maybe I'll talk later."

Bella sighed before she looked at the pixie although I couldn't bring myself to. I didn't want to believe that a Cullen was back. Bella took another sip of her hot cocoa before she began.

"I know we left each other when they left and I'm sorry for doing that to you especially after all you've been through in your life. I really am sorry Lynn. But right now I need you to find it in you to please please help me. Alice is here because she had a vision where she thought I died so she rushed over to comfort Charlie. Jake ended up at my house and intercepted a call from Edward who he told that Charlie was at a funeral. Not mine, but Harry Clearwater. Anyways now he's going to kill himself by showing who he is to the Volturi. Now why do we need you..."

She trailed off at such a stupid point but I hate to admit it, I wanted to know why they needed me, so I turned to Alice and raised my brow at her.

"Jasper joined the Volturi guard not long after we left. He couldn't bear to be near any of us because he'd be reminded of you. Sage, I just want my family back together and back here in Forks. I know it's gonna take some forgiving and time and I understand that but I also know that deep down no matter how hurt and enraged you are you still love him, he is your mate after all."

This annoyed me to no end because she was right. Deep down I know the only man for me is him. I took a deep breath through my nose before I looked up at the two of them.

"Let's go to the Volturi then."

The look on their faces when I said that was a mix of relieve and sadness but I brushed it off and snapped my fingers to get my passport before I turned to them. 

"Look, are we in a rush or not? Exactly, let's go."

And with that we headed out to the car and the second we got to the airport I knew that no matter what came from this trip, this was going to change the course of my life forever. Now if it was for good or for bad I don't know yet. 

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