New School

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I sent Bella a text saying that I'd see her at school because I was taking my bike. I yelled goodbye at my mom and dad before I hopped on my bike and sped off towards the school. I knew I was going the right way when I saw the massive sign for the school. I veered into a spot designated for bikes and texted Bella asking her where she was. I snapped my head up when I heard Tallulah say someone was staring at me.

I looked to where he was pointing and rolled my eyes. A group with two boys and two girls were looking at me. The dirty blond boy was staring at me with goo-goo eyes while the girl beside him with brown hair was glaring at me. I flipped them off as I walked by when I heard one of the boys whistle at me. I waited impatiently for Bella so we could go in together. I sent her a warning text about the group.

I walked over to her truck when I saw it pull up and linked arms with her as we walked into the school. She was my first friend here and I knew she was nervous so I vowed to protect her. We walked through the linoleum floored hallway to the office, the nice secretary gave us our schedules and I was sad, we only had English Lit together and Lunch. But at least our lockers were side by side.

"Well that's a bummer Bells. We'll only see each other at lunch and in English and between classes."

I sighed as I leaned against a wall. She was looking down at the schedules before she looked up at me sadly.

"Well that's just crap. You're my only friend here!"

I nodded knowing the feeling before I responded. I knew I had to edit myself first, couldn't really tell her that I see dead people now could I?

"I know the feeling. You're most likely the only friend I'll make here. But I'm used to not having friends, hey don't look sad, I'm friends with you now!"

I needed to cheer her up, but that was cut short when the bell rang. Oh joy, time for math. I hugged Bella and told her to text me if she needed anything before I sulked off to the most annoying class I could imagine. I cringed when I heard a slow clap.

"Good morning, I am assuming you are one of our two new students. I'm Mr. Webb your math teacher and you'll be sitting right up front besides Mitchell Hale. Miss..."

I knew he wanted my name so I swallowed the urge to sarcastically respond.

"I'm Lynn Davis."

I swiftly sat down at the desk he pointed out to me and had to bite the laugh bubbling when I saw Leo make faces at him before he mumbled that this teacher sounds like an asshole and I couldn't help but agree.

"Ah yes, Sagelynn Davis. Well I hope you're not troublesome for me."

I felt my blood boil, this guy seriously sucked, my brooding didn't continue for much longer before I sensed a presence, dead but not. I was thankful that no one was in the class to hear my real name. Here, it was Lynn, until I trusted anyone enough for them to know otherwise. 

It really confused me when I looked at the door and saw a lanky blonde guy with an adorable pixie-like girl beside him who for some reason smiled brightly at me. I ignored the funny feeling I got when I looked at them and sank down into my chair and waited for this class to end.

When the bell finally rang you would swear I had wings. I met Bella back at our lockers huffing like a train. When I was able to speak again I looked at her and growled.

"That math teacher is an idiot. Good luck."

I knew she had math next while I had Spanish. I skipped to my next class because I loved the language. I was upset at how that class flew by but I looked forward to my next class, gym. Now don't get me wrong, I hate gym, what I love is how easy it is for my ghosts to mess with people in it. I was rather happy with the fact that I got the opportunity to do some rock climbing. What I didn't count on was the same feeling I got in math this time, it was so strong it made me lose my grip on the wall. I closed my eyes and braced for the floor. I yelped when I hit something equally hard and when I opened my eyes I knew the cause for my sense but I didn't know why they made me feel like that.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?? Emmett, good job for catching her. I'm Rosalie Hale and the guy holding you is my boyfriend Emmett Cullen."

I nodded and squirmed out of his grasp before I dusted myself off to try and regain my composure.

"Thanks for saving me, Emmett, I'm Lynn, I'm new here. Oh and, Rosalie, I think I have math with your brother Mitchell."

I knew I was right when she nodded at me. I looked at both of them and realized that they were both very very good looking. I snorted but covered it up with a cough when I heard Leo.

"Obviously two godly looking people get together, where's the chances for the rest of you to find love?"

I sighed when I heard the bell ring as I realized that I wouldn't be able to climb anymore because it was time for lunch. I smiled softly when I realized I'd see Bella and be able to catch up with her finally. Before I was able to bolt to the locker rooms Rosalie caught my arm.

"Hey, I know you're new here, so why don't we be friends?"

I knew she was being genuine when I heard my three ghosts telling me yes.

"I I've never really had friends before, but I'd like that. But if you two don't mind, I wanna go get changed because I'm really hungry."

They both laughed and nodded before we all walked towards the locker rooms. I changed quickly whistling softly to communicate with my ghosts. What I didn't know at the time was that I was whistling to a larger audience than I intended. I slid out of the locker room but before I had the chance to bolt a large hand clasped down on my shoulder.

"Off to lunch without your new buds Ly? Ou Ly, I like that, it's my own little nickname for you and it's not gonna change."

I rolled my eyes playfully and started towards the cafeteria praying they had some good food because I knew they were ignoring the beast that my hungry stomach currently was. I managed to convince them to let me slip out of their grasp to get some lunch with the promise to sit at the table with them. I laughed when I heard Tallulah say let the fun begin. I wandered to their table and sat down. I had picked up some fries but they did not reach my mouth as my whole world stopped. The most gorgeously handsome man I had ever seen in my entire life walked in the room.

One thing I knew right then and there.

This man was going to be the one for me. 

A/N: Surprise! Rosalie is nice in this... Well... to Sage at least (I can't help but love the way Stephanie Meyer wrote the progression of the "Friendship" between Bella and Rose so I'm keeping it. Other parts will be changed, you gotta read on to find out what) 

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