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"Well, I think it's time for a talk among all of us. Please follow us to our house Lynn."

Alice looked at me and motioned for me to follow after her. I knew it was the right thing to do so I hopped on my bike and nodded at them, they all took off and I followed after them down the twisting roads. I was stunned when they came to a stop in front of a gorgeous house set deep enough into the woods that I assumed they could hunt in peace.

"Welcome to our home Lynn, please come in, we have a lot to discuss."

The broody Cullen who caught Bella's eye spoke. I got off of my bike, nearly falling on my face before the cowboy caught me. I once again felt the sparks between us fly and it caused Leo to growl angrily, I glared at him and mentally thought for him to shut up. I walked into the house not fully aware of the fact that the whole time I still hadn't let go of Jasper's hand.

When we got to their living room which was immaculately decorated two other faces were there. I assumed it was their supposed parents since they were older than them, but still unearthly beautiful.

"Hello Lynn, I'm Carlisle Cullen. This is my wife Esme and our children for all intents and purposes who you've already met. We have some things we need to discuss."

I nodded and sat down on the sofa, beside Jasper again. I waited for them to begin. Carlisle thankfully read my cues and he began.

"So, clearly based on the statement that you told Emmett, you are aware that we are vampires. That is true, we are a coven of vampires but we are a family because of the bonds between us. Now in the vampire world there are rules and regulations set up by our rulers, the Volturi. The main rules are, not to create immortal children, to hunt inconspicuously and the main one, never reveal ourselves to humans. The repercussions of this is death to the vampire and the human should the Volturi find out. Now there are extenuating circumstances, such as if the human is a mate to the vampire and they agree to be transformed. I know it's a lot to take in, but based on the fact that you are still holding hands with Jasper, you are his mate, so should you choose to become a vampire, no harm will come to you but you will lose your parents to prevent them from danger. I think I've spoken enough, would you like to talk?"

I nodded and blushed as I tried to take my hand out of Jaspers but he held tighter. I took a deep breath.

"I knew from the moment I sensed Alice and Mitchell that you weren't alive. I know how weird that sounds but I'm not your normal teen either. My entire life I've been able to see, speak to and help ghosts. About ten years ago me and the three ghosts who have always been with me discovered that I can also see past lives of people. I also knew based off my gut reaction and the fact that Leo, one of my ghosts, had been glaring daggers at him, that Jasper was the one meant for me. I'm fine with becoming a vampire but I'd like to at least be 18 before that, so can I hide from the Volturi for another year and a half?"

I could tell they all were relieved by my reaction and response but also very confused. Emmett was the one who broke the veil of silence.

"I'm calling B.s there's no way you can talk to ghosts Lynn. They don't exist."

I laughed at his response and looked forward to how this would progress.

"I can prove it to you."

All the attention in the room was back on me. This time it was Broody pants who spoke up.

"It's actually Edward, Lynn. But no, her idea seems rather convincing to me."

I gaped at him. How did he do that!?

"Oh, one thing Carlisle forgot to mention is that some vampires are gifted. Alice can see premonitions of the future, Mitchell can create tornadoes, Jasper can manipulate emotions, and I can read your mind."

I pursed my lips, sufficiently impressed before I explained my idea.

"Well one of you can monitor me in another room, while the others can stay in this room and move things around and hide stuff and I'll come back and tell you what, with the help of my ghosts. And if we're lucky, maybe they'll do something to show you they're here."

Emmett, once again, the big kid, loved this idea.

"Okay Ly! Jasper, go watch her! Out!"

I laughed at his antics and followed Jasper to another room, slightly nervous at being with him, alone. He chuckled which made me look at him in shock.

"Now you're nervous Darlin? What happened to the confident girl from the caf?"

I squeaked again, something I think I'd have to get used to around him. I fiddled with the bottom of my shirt.

"Well I just found out that we're mates, not a surprise. That I'm gonna have to become a vampire and leave my parents, not sure how I feel about that, but it's a surprise. And yea I can be confident, but the act I put on in school is to protect myself from people getting too close to me. And damn it. I feel your power now that I'm aware of it."

He chuckled softly and looked at me and I was overwhelmed with the urge to hug him so I looked down shyly not wanting to make him uncomfortable. He tilted my chin up.

"Darlin, don't be shy with me, ask anything."

I blushed and nodded softly.

"I I'd really like to hug y-"

I was cut off by him hugging me softly and I swear to god I'd leveled up in life. Being in his arms was absolute bliss. We stayed hugging until I heard the ginormous toddler downstairs bellow my name. We pulled apart slowly and smiled at one another before linking hands and returning downstairs.

"Okay Hulk. Lemme talk to them."

I turned to where Tallulah was standing and she told me.

"The lampshade is switched and you switched it with the one in the kitchen with the blue crystal stand. The remote is hidden behind the picture on the right wall and Emmett decided it would be funny to hide my helmet in the dishwasher. Thank you Lulah."

He was still as stone and Edward was laughing at him while Alice stood with a knowing smile. I knew I still had Mitchell to impress so I turned towards Monroe.

"The carpet from Mitchell and Alice's room is now here, I don't understand why Mitchell, but you decided to put my keys on the roof of the house, and Alice, I know you know but you moved the books from the coffee table onto the kitchen counter."

All of them looked sufficiently impressed but I knew Leo was mad. So I quickly cut in.

"I'm very sorry, but someone's gonna have to put out the fire Leo's about to start."

I was cut off by the fire alarm in the kitchen and a pot flaming. In a flash it was put out. I sighed and looked at Esme who looked upset about the fire.

"I'm sorry about Leo, Esme, I don't know what's gotten into him."

She nodded thoughtfully at me as Jasper pulled me back to his side and placed a feather light kiss on my temple which made me blush. I was looking forward to the rest of time with these people, I locked eyes with Edward and I knew a silent promise was formed between us. Their secret was mine, and mine was theirs. I peaked up at Jasper who smiled down at me and winked before chuckling as I squeaked.

I just hoped that everything would be good from here on out. 

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