The Volturi ... WOW!

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I sat quietly in the back of the yellow buggy that flew down the Italian highway toward Volterra and watched as the treelines flew by and blended together like a Van Gogh painting. I drummed on my knees to keep me calm as I thought about seeing Jasper again. It would either go very well or I would be the one to die, not Edward.

We skidded to a stop under a passageway and both Bella and I stared at Alice.

"You have to go. Edward's gonna show himself to the humans in 10 minutes under the clock tower. You both have to go, Bella he won't be able to read your thoughts and Lynn, Jasper will be following Edward."

I did not need to be told twice. This bozo was my family and despite how pissed I was I didn't want him to die. I heard Bella's footsteps thundering behind me, I knew I needed to let her get to him first so I slowed down and let her pass me. Red was everywhere I looked because of some festival in town, I overheard Alice tell Bella about. That's when I saw the sparkle, thankfully Bella was only an arms length from him and despite him being stone, when she crashed into him he stumbled back into the cobblestone castle. I sighed in relief when I saw that the two of them were safe but my heart rate skyrocketed when I saw him.

Boy could he pull off that all black look, his cloak draped over his broad shoulders contrasting his gorgeous blonde hair. He stood there with an open mouth as he took in my new appearance.

"Yo, Cowboy, you're gonna catch flies."

My eyes widened as I heard the words come out of my mouth. Thankfully he smirked at me softly before he regained his composer as two other vampires stepped out from the shadows and something in me snapped. I knew that the blondie felt it too as he took a step back seemingly shocked.

"Master Aro sent us to bring you back. Before you say anything Cullen, the girls come with us."

A guy who was bigger than Emmett told us while blondie kept a steady watch on me. It was beginning to annoy me and just as I was about to send a spark at him Alice broke through the side door and skipped over to us. She smiled at Jasper before she looped her arm through mine which caused me to tense up, strangely both Jasper and blondie growled at her for doing that.

Suddenly a little girl wearing an all black dress with a hood seemingly appeared out of nowhere. It looked like she floated to us and crossed her arms.

"The masters sent me to see what was taking so long, now if you'll all be so kind, follow me."

I could sense that she had power and I didn't really care to see it so I skipped off after her humming softly. Before I could reach the elevator a cold hand wrapped around each wrist instantly bringing me to a halt. I looked to my left and was stunned to see that blondie had been one of the two to stop me. Looking to my right I relaxed when I saw Jasper who glanced down at me and winked which contrary to what I wanted caused me to blush.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Bella who was tucked under Edwards arm shaking like a leaf. When the elevator doors opened my mouth dropped as I took in the gorgeous hallway and doors that were in front of us. Damn was everything in Italy this gorgeous? Once I was out of my thoughts I ran after the group who made it to the doors while I was admiring the surroundings.

When the doors opened we all walked in and a boy approached us congratulating the little girl on bringing back two and two humans. I jumped when I heard clapping and looked to see a man with raven hair and ruby red eyes staring at Bella and I with glee.

"What a pleasant surprise! Bella is alive after all. And young Sagelynn, it's a pleasure to meet the Major's mate!"

I nodded softly at him before my eyes trailed behind him to the two men sitting on the thrones behind him. The first one had a sadness to him that almost seemed to make him look even older than he most likely was. It dawned on me then that the man who greeted us was Aro, the man I was currently looking at was Marcus. So I drew my attention to the final of the three kings, Caius and when I did something else snapped. And I couldn't handle it so I spoke up.

Para- "Normal" (A Jasper Hale love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang