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Carlisle took a deep, but unneeded breath and Jasper pulled me into him. The room was suddenly icy cold. I looked at all of the faces in the room and I grew increasingly more scared when I saw that even my ghosts were upset.

“Carlisle please, I don’t like the suspense. Tell me the news, rip it off like a bandaid please just tell me!”

I begged him because I couldn’t take the silence and sadness.

“Lynn, it’s your parents. I’m so sorry. We received word an hour before you woke up that they passed away from complications from the coma. Because you’re almost 17, the courts will allow you to live alone so long as you get a job. I’m so sorry dear, but know this, none of us are going to let you go through this alone, especially not Jasper.”

I couldn’t move. I was an orphan. No parents. Not a damn clue what to do. I didn’t realize that I was crying until Jasper was whispering comforting words to me while wiping them away. I grasped onto Jasper like he was my lifeline, and truthfully at this point in time, he was.

“Darlin, I’m gonna be with you every step of the way. You’ll never be alone. I promise.”

I nodded and buried my head in his shoulder not wanting to deal with the world. I felt Jasper make a movement and I felt three different people place a kiss on the crown of my head before I heard the door softly click shut behind them. Jasper moved carefully so I was sitting on his lap. He held me close and purred to try to further relax me.

I appreciated the thought but my skin felt like it was burning. I didn’t want to be held, but I wanted him to be close, thankfully I think something in the mate bond made that known to him. He placed me back on the bed and held my hand rubbing over my knuckles softly.

I closed my eyes and leaned backwards into the pillows, my dear cowboy kept humming which was keeping me calm. I peaked at the door only to see Edward rolling Bella in on a wheelchair looking distressed. The second she saw me she started crying which made me groan. I was trying to come to terms with it myself and my emotional human best friend was making it hard to not cry.

“Oh Lynn! I’m so sorry! If there’s anything you need at all when we get back home let dad and I know, you know how much he likes you.”

She could barely get that sentence out without sniffling. I smiled softly at her as tears began to slip down my cheeks because it was getting too much for me. Jasper was sending me positive emotions to try to calm me down but nothing was working. I was having a panic attack and it was apparent to the three others in the room.

“Edward. Turn the lights off now.”

Jasper barked angrily because he was stressed at how flippy my emotions were right now. I hated everyone except for him right now. Irrational I know but he was my soul means of comfort. I clung onto him as my erratic heartbeat slowly calmed down. I wanted nothing more than to hug my parents. Yea I knew our relationship wasn’t the best but they were my parents and they knew me better because they were with me my whole life.

“Jasper, not that I wanna make her even more emotional but Esme and Carlisle discovered something. The car crash was caused by the nomads.”

When Edward said that my breathing stopped. I slowly lifted my head out of the crook of Jasper's neck, my blue eyes an ocean storm of emotions.

“I want to kill Victoria and Laurent. I wanna burn their heads and pour gasoline all over them.”

Five pairs of eyes were on me in various degrees of surprise. My ghosts were in the room and they were seriously worried about how this would affect me. I was a boiling pot of rage and I was feeling murderous which freaked Jasper out as he tried his best to send me calming vibes to manipulate me into a less volatile state.

“They will die, Darlin. I swear to god they will. I’ll rip them apart myself and hold the lighter for you while you pour the gas.”

He was showing his alternative side of himself, the Major. I nodded and clung onto him. I sent a mental note to Edward that I wanted to sleep and Jasper was free to make decisions for me.

We left to go back to Forks two days later and I was informed that a funeral for my parents would be the following week. I was also told that there would be a reading of the will even though I was the sole beneficiary in their will. I was a shadow of myself. I trailed after Jasper everywhere, especially at school where I didn’t realize it until then, that I had each class with a Cullen. Jasper, my love made sure to walk me to and from each class to calm me down whenever he could.

The day of the funeral came so quickly. I was tucked into Jasper’s side and only got out of it when Alice came to help me put on the dress for the funeral. I still couldn’t believe that they were dead but I guess I would get hit in the face with reality in a few hours.

“Come on Darlin, we gotta go now. When we get home we can watch anything you like. We’re all here for you.”

I nodded knowing there was no getting out of it. I stood shakily and Jasper instantly picked me up and carried me out to the car. He placed me in the plymouth before he got in and we took off towards the funeral home. I sniffled softly the whole way there as he rubbed my hand softly while purring. When I got there I stood near their matching caskets as I received the condolences from everyone who showed up.

Soon enough it was my turn to make a speech about my parents. I couldn’t do it. My mouth didn’t work. My throat was too dry from screaming and crying so Jasper did it for me, which honestly made me love him even more. I laughed tearily at the stories and memories my speech gave me.

Then it was time to drive to the cemetery.
Honestly, that drive behind the hearse was the longest drive in history. I snorted quietly at the irony of the horrible downpour that was happening on the saddest day of my life. When we got out of the car, Jasper held me close trying to give me as much comfort as possible. They began to lower the caskets and that’s when it hit me. I collapsed to the ground and let out ear piercing cries which made Jasper hug me to his chest as tight as he could without hurting me.

It was then that I saw the feral eyes glaring at me through the woods so I let out an animalistic cry. I'm sure most people thought it was from the pain I was in from losing my parents. Those around me who were vampires knew differently though and I knew I was right when I saw them all stiffen and I felt Jasper growl against me before placing a kiss to my temple. I couldn't imagine a worse day in my life. I vowed then and there that whoever it was that was staring at me would die. I knew it was one of the two nomads and I wanted them to die by my hands. Looking at Edward and seeing him peering back at me confirmed to me that I would get that chance.

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