29- Rome

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"What was the first antibiotic?" I read a question on the back of Lucas's flash card.

With the end of the year quickly approaching, so are the finals for all of our classes. Lucas is determined to use every spare moment in our history class preparing for the unit tests, even though there is nothing else for him to learn.

"Penicillin," he grins, raising an eyebrow as if he was waiting for a challenging question. I'm half way through the stack of key term flashcards and I barey have enough time to ask the question before Lucas knows the answer. "It was discovered during a scientific revolution in the 1900's."

I drop the flash cards, deciding I have seen enough of him showing off.

"I'm so lucky to be dating the smartest boy in school." I say sarcastically, rising to my feet. I pull Lucas out of his desk and prepare to leave the classroom the second the bell rings.

"In the world," he corrects me, flicking the flash cards in my direction. I grab his wrist when he goes to fan me with the cards again, earning a chuckle while he pokes my neck with his other hand in order to break my grip on his arm.

Before we can escape the classroom, Lucas straightens his posture and steps towards our teacher so he can ask questions about the homework. He doesn't notice the room full of classmates around us; or if he did, it didn't bother him while he tilts his head downward and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead before walking to the teacher's desk.

"Who is that?" A voice asks behind me, slender finger pointing towards Lucas, bringing me to stifle a groan before turning to face Daria. For three years, the bleach blonde girl in front of me has been trying to bring Autumn, Chloe, and I to like her as much as we love each other. She's always wanted the title that we have, the prom queen label that is whispered as we step down hallways. Yet her two faced behavior is the only thing stopping her from achieving it. She's a gorgeous girl, but no one trusts her or the lies that come out of her mouth every time she's desperate for a little popularity.

"That's my boyfriend." I answer with as much confidence as I can manage, a small doubt in the back of my mind prepares me for her nasty response.

"Seriously?" She gapes, humor lacing the word. "I mean, he's defenitly hot. But is it worth dating someone like him?"

Surprise tightens my stomach, although I should have expected this reaction. I still forget that not everyone sees Lucas for who he is when they look at him, instead focusing on the superficial details that shouldn't define his worth. They will never get to know him for the genius he is or the selfless strength he uses to carry the weight of the world so that no one else has to.

"Is there a problem with that?" Sharpening my glare towards Daria, I refuse to back down from the opinions of others.

"No, no, there's nothing wrong," she quickly swallows her words, sensing my ire with her pointless comments. She tries a differenet approach instead, "I just never expected you to go for someone like that." Her tone is sweet but I note her confused stare and awkward cough. In everyone's head, the two social classes Lucas and I represent are supposed to stay divided. Our efforts to forget about the status makes the people who depend on the structure uncomfotable. Good, I think to myself. Maybe it's about time they're not comforted by the security of reputation.

Daria doesn't leave without mumbling one more thing my way, a jab towards my previous identity and the one she covets. "I wonder what people will think about you now..." She abandons any concern for me and jumps towards self-preservation, clearly considering how this could raise her social position.

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